Chapter 52

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I was sitting in my house, crying my eyes out, but it was for the best I thought.

While I was sitting there, I wiped my tears out of my face, because I wanted my house to be finally done. I turned my Wifi off,  because I didn't want to receive text messages from V.

I turned I put my playlist on shuffle.

I needed a break, so I decided to clean my house. While I was cleaning somehow, only sad songs played.

I had enough so I turned it off, and I stopped cleaning. As I looked on the time I saw that I was cleaning for 3-4 hours.

I turned my Wifi on again, I saw a lot of messages from V, but I left him on read.

He wrote he wa sorry.
That I should give him another chance.
That he trusts me.
And so on.

But I also saw that I got a message from.....Joshua?

Like what??!! We haven't talked in like forever.

Hong Kong🐒:
Hey (Y/N)!
How have you been?
I know we haven't talked in a while, but we were having our comeback!!
I am sorry that we didn't see each other!🙈🙊

Heyyy...Hong Kong!!
Well not that good. Actually nothing is working out!😳😭
It is okay don't worry.
Do you maybe have time, to meet up?

Hong Kong🐒:
Sure, I will arrive in like 20 minutes!

Ah well....I will send you my address I moved out!

Hong Kong🐒:
Ah..okay..sure! Be right there!!

I waited and waited! These 20 minutes were like 5 hours, but while I was waiting for him I put another outfit on and wanted to be bare face. I didn't want make up, because I was sure that I will cry, when I tell him what has all happened.

So I washed my face so that the make up will get off my face and I went to my suitcase.

I put that on:

After I tied my shoes the door bell rang

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After I tied my shoes the door bell rang. So I went to the door and checked if it was really Joshua.

I opened the door with a big smile on my face I hugged him immediately.

He was surprised by my sudden hug, but he still hugged me back.

He went inside, and I showed him my almost done house. It took me 5 minutes to show him the whole house. He said it was beautiful!

We sat down on the couch, it was quiet and awkward.
Suddenly a loud "Grrrr", interrupted the silence and it was my stomach, which growled.

I felt my cheecks get warm out of embarrassment.
Joshua just laughed and said:" little (Y/N) hungry?"

While he was saying that, he patted my head.

I put his arm away and answered:"Yaahh...Okay I am hungry...but I am almost as tall as you and I am also one of the tallest female kpop idols!!"

He sighed and nodded, because he knew it was true.

But before it got awkward again, he said he is taking me out, to eat something.

I locked my house and he said he is going to surprise me. So we sat down in the car, I connected my phone to the car with Bluetooth and started playing Clap by Seventeen.

He was so surprised so he took a quick glance at me and then turned back to the road:" already downloaded our new song?"

" should know, as soon as one song comes out and I like it, I immediately download it!", I responded.

I was singing along and danced to it. We had a fun time, while driving to the restaurant.

It took us like 1 hour then we finally arrived. It was a little restaurant out of the city.

As we entered it, we looked for a table, which was in the back of the restaurant, so that maybe some fans wouldn't see us.

It was really old fashioned and Vintage I liked it in here.
The food looked awsome and it tasted just like it looked like....AWSOME!!

I told him about the hole V and break up thing, he said:" You could count on me and call me whenever you need me. But now you should just forget that, and we should enjoy our time together!"

My response, was just a little smile.

We enjoyed our time together, it was really fun to catch up, after a long time not seeing each other.

After the dinner we wanted to drive back to my place, but we were stuck in traffic. We were danicing around to the music and after some time we finally arrived at my place.

We just wanted to enter my house, but he said, that he had a great time and we should meet again soon, but he sadly had to go to dance practice.

I said, it was no problem, and that I enjoyed it and thanked him for that beautiful night.

Before I completly entered my house I hugged him and waved him goodbye.

Joshua's PoV:
"Wow that girl is just amazing!", I thought while I was sitting in my car ready to go to dance practice.

Suddenly a fangirl was standing beside my window and screaming. She screamed:"Omg ((Y/N) and Joshua's shipname), they really exist!"

She took some photos of me and ran away.

"Oh no, that is not going to end good! Shit!!", I thought to myself.

Back to (Y/N)'s PoV:
"I really enjoyed today! It was really nice to talk to my friend after a long time!",I said to myself.

I looked on my phone and saw it was pretty late. So I decided to go to bed.

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