A Release

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As they walked, Tala gave Bilbo a reassuring nod. He gave a weak smile in return as they all reached a room. Thorin was first to speak. "Our business is no concern of elves." He said roughly. Elrond merely gave him a slightly unimpressed look.

"For goodness sake, Thorin, show him the map." Gandalf demanded. Thorin gave the wizard a dirty look.

"It is the legacy of my people; it is mine to protect, as are its secrets." He hissed. Tala rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Save me from the stubbornness of Dwarves." She muttered.

"Your pride will be your downfall. You stand here in the presence of one of the few in Middle Earth who can read that map. Show it to Lord Elrond." Gandalf stated more firmly.

Thorin thinks quietly for a few seconds, with everyone looking at him. He begins to hand the map to Elrond, watching this, Balin tries to stop him. "Thorin, no!" He protested. Thorin brushes Balin aside and handed Elrond the map. The elf Lord took it, his eyes widening slightly as he did.

"Erebor." He glanced back at the dwarves before him. "What is your interest in this map?"

Thorin's face hardens and he is about to speak, but Tala interrupts him. She knew that Elrond would not take the news slightly, and they needed that map to be read. "It's mainly academic. As you know, this sort of artifact sometimes contains hidden text. You still read Ancient Dwarvish, do you not?" She smiled.

Elrond walks a little bit away, glancing at Tala with a knowing look before looking at the map again. As the moonlight hits the map, Elrond lifts his brows as he realizes something. "Cirth Ithil."

"Moon runes." Tala said with a small grin.  

"Of course. An easy thing to miss." Gandalf smiled at her and Bilbo.

"Well in this case, that is true; moon runes can only be read by the light of a moon of the same shape and season as the day on which they were written." He turned to face the group once more, Thorin looked at him with a small twinge of hope.

"Can you read them?"

Leading them all to an open area outside, on the side of a cliff, they walk toward a large crystalline table.

"These runes were written on a Midsummer's Eve by the light of a crescent moon nearly two
hundred years ago. It would seem you were meant to come to Rivendell. Fate is with you, Thorin Oakenshield; the same moon shines upon us tonight"

As if on cue, the clouds party and the moonlight shines on the table. Working mere seconds, the map reveals the hidden text. As soon as they appeared, Elrond began to translate them.

"Stand by the gray stone when the thrush knocks, and the setting sun with the last light of Durin's Day will shine upon the keyhole."

"Durin's Day?" Bilbo questioned. Tala turned to him slightly as he looked at her with curiosity.

"It is the start of the dwarves' new year, when the last moon of autumn and the first sun of winter appear in the sky together." She answered.

"This is ill news. Summer is passing. Durin's Day will soon be upon us." Thorin said to Balin.

"We still have time." Balin assured.

"Time? For what?" Bilbo questioned.

"To find the entrance. We have to be standing at exactly the right spot at exactly the right time. Then, and only then, can the door be opened." Balin replied.

"So this is your purpose, to enter the Mountain." Elrond interrupted, his eyes casting Tala a disapproving look.

"What of it?" Thorin questioned, his gaze guarded.

"There are some who would not deem it wise." Elrond replied, having the map back. Thorin takes it gruffly.

"Who do you mean?" Gandalf asked, interrupting the tension.

"You are not the only guardian to watch over Middle Earth." When rolled as he walked away. Tala glanced at them all before she followed him. She had questions for him, that she hoped he could answer.

Thorin watched, his face stern as he saw the fairy leave with the elf Lord. While he was slightly enchanted by how much she seemed to go in this place, it still caused his ire to rise. Tala was a part of his company, so she should stay with them, not go prancing off with his enemy.

However, he could not dwell on her, Thorin had more important things to do, like leave this realm.


Tala, having received her answers, left to find Elrohir and Elladan. She had missed them dearly, and now that she was not a guardian, she could spend more time with them.

However, as she walked with them, hearing their tales of what they had been up too, and sharing her own, she heard loud talking and shushing.

"Excuse me, my friends, but I must go see how my company fairs." They smiled at her and let her go. She rushed away, her skirts flying as she found them. They were all packed and seemed to be heading out of Rivendell.

She looked at them in surprise, were they going to leave her behind? Had they not thought of her? After what she had done, they would let her stay without going with them.

"What is the meaning of this?" She asked, catching their attention. "You would leave me behind, run away without telling me?"

"You seem to be enjoying yourself here." Thorin replied. "You should stay with your precious elves."

"I came here because I am to help you reclaim your home, and yet you wish to abandon me."

"You have already left us, the moment you ran off with the elf Lord's son." Thorin spat.

"Elrohir?" Tala questioned. "He is my friend, one I have not seen in many long years."

"Then by all means stay with him." Thorin replied. "We have wasted enough time here, we must go." Thorin turned, offering her no more as he began to walk away.

"After everything I have done, for you, you leave me so quickly." Takes said. "I have risked my life for all of you, and I owe you no loyalty, and yet I came to aid you and your kin. Yet you betray me." Take couldn't keep the hurt from her voice.

Her words caused Thorin to pause. He didn't turn back, waiting for her to say something else.

"If this is what my service gets me... then I release myself."

"Tala, no." Bilbo said. "Come with us."

"I hardly think I am dressed to leave now, my weapons are with my armor." Tala replied. "Good luck on your quest, I am deeply sorry I could not be of service. You have my best wishes, all of you."

Without waiting for anything else to be said, she turned and walked away, all could see the purple shade she had been turning, the color glowing dark. She left a somber feeling on the Dwarves, and they all began to leave with heavy hearts.

Bilbo was upset that one of his only friends on this journey was gone. And he felt worse, considering she was being left behind. Had he the courage, perhaps he could have convinced Thorin to wait for her.

As she ran from them, Tala found herself in the gardens. She sat down on the bench there and did her best to hold back tears. Thorin Oakenshield was a fool, a cruel dwarf prince who thought of no one but himself.

Yet, despite her anger and her growing distain, Tala still didn't hate him. She still looked him in a way, he was stubborn, but he had a good heart. That much, she could tell. And as much as she didn't want to admit it, sure actually quite liked arguing with him.

In her thoughts, Tala did not notice white fabric and glowing aura. So she was startled when gentle hands touched her own. Looking up, a lone tear feel from the fairy's cheek. However, she felt a gentle calm flow through her.

"My lady."

To make up for my lack of posting, I'll be putting up two more chapter today!

Sorry for the lack of posts on this story!!

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