New Vampire

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McKenzie POV

"I think we won" I said giving Connor a hug. "yeah, do you want to go inside and get a drink?" he asked. "yeah sure" I said grabbing his hand while walking into the pack house. We went upstairs and talked for a little while, but I could see the lust in his eyes, and he was thinking what I was thinking.

So he grabbed my arm and I dropped my drink on the floor. He kissed me and I jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist. He dropped his drink, carrying me to the bed, and removing my clothes. He inserted himself into my core, causing me to moan his name.

"bite me" I whispered in his ear. "I don't wanna do that" he said going in deeper. "just bite me Connor". So he did. It hurt, but it felt pleasant at the same time. He laid next to me and we cuddled. "I'm sorry, but you will be in a lot of pain soon" he said holding me close to his body.

"what are you" my words were cut off by the sudden pain in my whole body. It felt like my insides were burning and I just wanted it to stop. Connor comforted me in his arms apologizing and regretting he bit me I didn't regret telling him to bite me, I just wanted the pain to go away.

Kyle POV

"Kyle what are you doing?" I turned around surprised. Xavier was walking towards me and I looked down to see who I had healed, and it was one of Xavier's friends. "are you cheating on me?" Xavier said. "no its not what it looks like, I thought he was you and-", Xavier cut me off with a kiss. "I'm just kidding, and I wouldn't blame you if you thought he was me, he's almost as hot as I am" he said still holding my cheeks with his hands.

His friend got up and thanked me as we walked back to the house. When we got upstairs we heard screaming and walked towards it opening the door. McKenzie was on the bed kicking and screaming as Connor was trying to hold her down. "what the hell is going on?" I screamed running to McKenzie.

Connor sat there speechless. "Connor!" I yelled. "okay okay, we were........handling business, and she told me to bite her" he said. "so you....changed her?"I asked. "why are you so mad, it was her choice you should be happy for her" he said.

"I'm not mad, and I am happy for her, I'm just wondering what my father will think about this. He's gonna blame it all on me for bringing her out here, then kick me out of the house". I started jumping to lots of conclusions and thinking about how my father would react when he finds out......or if he ever finds out.

We were all too busy arguing we hadn't noticed that McKenzie stopped her kicking and screaming. She sat up on the bed rubbing her bright red eyes. Her hair was a reddish orange color, and her body looked amazing. She got up and looked at herself inside the head-to-toe mirror. She looked shocked but also pleased.

Connor got up, walked behind her and held her waist pressing her back to his chest. "you like?" he asked. "I love" she responded. "wait, what's that on the back of her shoulder?" Xavier pointed out. There was a tattoo of teeth with fangs just like Connor's. "she's marked" I whispered. She turned around and kissed Connor then came over to me.

"Kyle don't I look beautiful?" she asked twirling around. "stunning" I said with a fake smile, "so what are you gonna tell our father?". "oh I'm not going home" she said still twirling. "why not?" I asked angrily stopping her from twirling. "because im going home with Connor" she said grabbing his arm. "you are?" Connor and I said simultaneously.

" yes! come on Connor, I have to pack my clothes" she said pulling Connor out of the room. "badass"I scoffed. "don't worry, you're more beautiful than her" Xavier said holing my hand' " but she is bad!". I frowned and hit him in the chest. "so you never said anything when I asked you to marry me" he said.

"because you didn't do it right" I said, "you have to get on one knee". Xavier inhaled as if he were going to say a really long sentence, but instead he said, "no". "come on Xavier, why do you have to be so bitchy about everything?" I asked stopping him from walking out of the door. "I'm not, I'm just not the type of guy that would do something like that" he said with his hands in his pockets.

"well if you really wanted me to be your wolf wife then you would do it" I said angrily and stormed out of the room. I was so pissed at Xavier that I was actually going home......willingly. I knocked on the door and my father answered. He grabbed me tightly which made me very confused because I expected him to yell at me again. "so, I'm guessing you're not mad" I said.

"oh I'm mad, I'm just not gonna yell because every time I do you find a way to escape" he said sitting on the couch. "I don't care where you were, or what you were doing while you were there, you're home safe, and that's all that matters" he said. This was really creeping me out but it was kind of funny.I wonder how he would take it if I told him McKenzie's a vampire and she ran away with her vampire boyfriend. Let's find out.

"hey Brian?" I called him. "yes Kyle?" he answered. "guess where McKenzie is" I said with a smirk. "where?" he frowned. "she ran away.....with her boyfriend.......who's a vampire......who turned her into a vampire" I said. My father sat in the chain holding in all of his anger. "Chelsea is going to be very upset" he murmured. "oh and one more thing", I said walking upstairs, "I may be getting married to a werewolf".

Then I went upstairs and into my room waiting to here some type of chaos. I could hear him run out the backyard and scream his lungs out. I kinda felt bad for him, but we were going our own ways and he should accept that we were growing up. But then I thought about it and realized that it was kind of stressful.I was getting married at 16 and McKenzie was running away with a guy two years older than her. I could see where he was coming from.

I was really hungry, so I decided to go to the store and get some snacks. Then, someone blind folded me wrapped my hands together, and carried me somewhere. When we got there, they took the blind fold off and released my hands. When I looked around I was in the woods, and whoever captured me was no where to be found.

Then a blurry figure was walking towards me, but I didn't run because their face started to clear up, it was Xavier. He came up to me and got down on one knee. "Kyle Mitchell, i know this is really fast but you are the best thing that has ever come into my life. Without you I feel so empty. I will always protect you no matter what the circumstance. You make complete, and............I love you" he said.

That caused me to tear up a little bit and my vision was getting blurry. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so..........will you marry me?" he said pulling out a gorgeous expensive looking ring that I never knew he had. I straightened myself up holding back my tears. "did you seriously think I was gonna let you off the hook like that?" I said.

Xavier facial expression changed and he was very upset.




;) muahh

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