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A/N This fanfic is a bit different from my first one...I hope you guys enjoy it just as much though!  And yes, it is a 1D fanfic though it may not seem like it at first :P

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In a war between England and Egypt, all the royal children of Egypt are killed in an air raid by the royal airforce.  The royal children of England were then in danger.  The Egyptian terrorist group, Astrai, yearned to avenge the deaths of their royal children.  The group has already found and reportedly killed 12 out of the 15 royal English children.  The last three left were the best of friends, not related by blood, and all sent off at the age of 5 to America to prevent their capture and murder by terrorists.  They moved into the same town but with different adoptive parents.  The American FBI and CIA are their new protectors, watching over the three children from afar.  Despite this, the Astrai continues to search for them.

-5 Years Later-

 Three children by the name of Josie, Piper, and Lance sit on a log in the woods next to a stream.  The boy, Lance points out a shooting star in the sky and says, "Make a wish" to the girls Piper and Josie.  

The best friends all close their eyes, whispering their wishes to themselves.  

"Run!" the boy Lance yells out suddenly.  The two girls snap open their eyes to see a dark figure take hold of Lance.  He struggles to get out of the kidnappers grip but doesn't succeed.  Josie grabs Piper's hand and the two make a mad dash for their lives, leaving Lance behind.  They crouch under a blackberry bush to hide from the men.

"Where did they go?" they hear a voice ask.  

"Doesn't matter, we've got the prince." another voice says.  The two girls look at each other in confusion.

-Later That Night-

Josie and Piper run back to Josie's house and explain the events that have just happened to her parents.  

"They're back." Josie's adoptive father whispers.  

"Who?" Piper manages to ask inbetween her tears for Lance.

"Nobody." says Josie's mother.  "Just promise me that you girls will always stick together and never wander alone".  Both girls nodded, but with questions clouding their eyes.

"They've found us," Josie's father said over the phone that night when he thought the 2 girls were asleep.

-Over the Course of the Next 7 Years-

The two girl's families moved from Virginia to California.  From then on, the 2 girls stuck to each other like glue.  They learned that people were after them, but never knew why.  They only knew to avoid capture at all costs.

Josie and Piper were never told that they were the last remaining children of the British Royal Family.  

They began to become accustomed to life as social outcasts at school.  They never trusted anybody but each other, so all they had were each other.  But life was about to change very, very soon.

A/N Okay!  So that was the prologue, does it make sense?  

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