Chapter 9

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A/N Hello lovely readers of Wattpad!!! :) I'm very sorry that I can only update like once a week because of school D:< I hate it.  Buttt as some of you may know, I have another fanfic that I don't have time to if anybodys interested, they can take over for me or whatever or else I'm going to delete...just cause I don't like having a book on

sorry for the long note! Heres the next chapter!

Vote, Comment, Vomment!

-Lots o Love

~Josie's POV~

We tumbled down the hill for what seemed like ages.  Until we finally came to halt at the bottom, or at least what I think was the bottom.  Looking up, I realized that we were back at the playground.  I couldn't help but feel a little excited inside.

"Ughh..." somebody moaned from under me.  Oops.  I scrambled up and quickly brushed myself off before Drake appeared beside me, rubbing his neck and smilingly sheepishly.

I glared at him, but the scolding could come later.  

'Are you okay?" I asked the person who'd happened to roll down the hill with us and had the bad luck of having me sit on him.

"  What do you think?" He asked standing up.  I gasped.  It was Harry.

"Oh my lord.  You're Harry Styles," Drake said gaping at him slightly.  

"The one and only," Harry muttered before turning to fiercely glare at me. "What are you doing here?  Do you know how much trouble we're going to be in?" 

"Chill, I only wanted to have some fun," I said rolling my eyes.  

"Well fun times over, time to go home," Harry said grabbing my hand and dragging me off.

"Wait!  I want to stay with Drake!" I said looking over to Drake for help.  I didn't want to go back to the hotel where everything was the same.  I wanted to have more fun.  

"You better get going Josie.  I don't want the Queen on my tail," Drake said chuckling.  "See you around sometime." He waved at me half-heartedly watching me walk away with Harry.  Stupid Drake.  He had too much respect for Harry to stand up to him I guess.

"Harry..." I whined.  He gave me a look that told me to shut up.  I huffed a sigh and crossed my arms across my chest but continued walking.

"My feet hurt," I complained a little while later.  I hadn't realized how far away from the hotel we were and that I was actually walking barefoot, because I left my sandals back at the hill.   Harry glanced at me and then at my feet amusedly.

"I was wondering when you would notice," he said teasingly. 

"Why couldn't you have brought a car?" I whined.  Seriously, I was going to have some major blisters tomorrow morning.

"Ugh, fine, climb on my back," he said rolling his eyes.  He lowered himself and I hopped onto him, wrapping my arms around his neck.  He grabbed my legs to keep me from slipping.

"I'm so tired..." I mumbled before dozing off slightly.  

~Harry's POV~

Ugh, this walk is seriously going to take forever.  I could just call Paul to pick us up, but when would I get alone time with Josie ever again?  Besides, I liked to give her piggie back rides.

"Harry," she mumbled lacing her fingers through my hair.  


"Harry," she mumbled once again nuzzling her face into the back of my neck.  I stifled a chuckle.  She was asleep.

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