Chapter 10

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A/N Hellooo world!  It seems that I have to apologize each and every upload for not uploading fast enough because I always have so much during the week and I can't write a good chapter for you guys if I'm rushed...anyways...I'm already wishing for the end of the school year even though it just started.

Ugh. Anyways.

This chapter is dedicated to @SmileEveryNowAndThen for her lovely comment that totally made my day:)  Sorry if that's a little creepy... Anyways, from now on, I'll be dedicating chapters to people, unless you don't want me to...that's cool too I guess.  

Moving on!

Here's the next chapter!  Vote and Comment if you wish!  I mean, its just the click of a button right ;)

-Love you loads <3 muahs

Josie's POV~

 "Harry, don't go!"

"I love you Josie!" Harry said as some invisible force dragged him away from me.  I ran after him, but he figure kept fading, fading, fading, until he was gone.  I worked my legs harder, sprinting toward the darkness he disappeared in.  

"Harry!" I screamed but it came out as a whisper.  

"No!" I yelled sitting up.  I looked around me, realizing it was just a dream.  Just a dream... The same dream that caused me to stay awake for hours before coming to Harry's room last night.

I looked down at the curly haired boy and a smile crept onto my lips.  He looked so peaceful while he slept, his mouth in a tiny smile and his curls plastered to his forehead.  

Today was the day.  The VMA's.  Too bad we were just going as friends.  Well, at least I was going, better than nothing right?  I smiled ruefully down at Harry's face and swiftly pecked his cheek.  Shhh, don't tell anybody, I had to do it.

I agilely climbed off the bed before realizing that I was not in my room.  

"Later, Styles," I said to myself.  


The screaming, wow, it was nothing like I'd ever experienced.  Geez, these girls sure knew how to use their vocal cords.

"Ohmygoodness! Look!" Eleanor pointed toward a figure in the distance.  Danielle and I squinted but couldn't make anything out.  

In case you haven't figured it out, Danielle (Liam's girlfriend), Eleanor (Louis's girlfriend), and I (the pathetic best friend of Harry), were at the VMA's wandering around the red carpet.  The boys were off doing some interviews.  

"What is it?" I asked still squinting.

"It is none other than Taylor Swift!" El squealed in delight as she saw Taylor coming toward us.

"Don't freak out.  Don't freak out," Danielle chanted to the hyperventilating El who looked like she might pass out any second now.

"Hey girlies!' Taylor said once she was within hearing distance.

"Hey!" We all chorused.

"It's such an honor to meet you!" Eleanor said, her eyes shining.  Danielle gave El a warning look before turning to smile at Taylor too.

"Yes!  It's nice to finally meet you.  The boys talk about your music a lot," Danielle said.

"Oh really?  Tell them we should do a collab soon," Taylor said laughing.  Then she turned to look curiously at me.  "And you must be the famous Josie!"

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