Chapter 4

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Josie's POV

"I can't believe it!  Lance!" I squealed engulfing him into a hug.  He chuckled lightly and hugged me back tight.  I won't lie, I sniffed in his scent.  He smelled a bit different, a bit muskier and more...spicy?  I can't really put my finger on it.  After screaming in my head, I realized something that makes me facepalm myself.

Lance should be dead.  He can't be here right now.  It was impossible.  Unless--

"How did you get away...from those people?" I ask after he lets me go.

"Well, it's kind of a long story" he said looking away into the distance, his eyes glazing over slightly.

"Well, I've got a long time" I say back.  

"No, we actually have to leave now.  Simon's here." he said dragging me out of the bathroom and over to where the other boy's were.  I tensed up a little when I saw them all staring at us.  They must know something's up.  But I don't really want to trust them enough to tell them anything.  Not just yet.

"You can trust them" Lance whispered into my ear.  Gosh, I hated how he could always read my mind. "But remember to call me Josh.  I changed my name a few years back..."  I looked up at him slightly shocked but gave him the slightest nod of my head so that nobody else would notice.

We arrived back at the house, or the mansion as I liked to call it, at half past 9.  The stars were all twinkling outside now.  I walked into the lounge, waiting for the right time to get Josh to tell me the story.  

"Movie time!" Louis screamed interupting my thoughts.  I winced.  Doesn't he know when to shut up?  I threw Louis daggers before speaking up.

"I'm going to my room" I stated giving Lance, I mean Josh, a pointed glance.  I headed up the stairs knowing Josh would make up an excuse to follow me.  

"Jay" I whipped around.  Nobody was allowed to call me Jay.  I see Harry standing in my doorway smirking at my surprised expression.  Where's Josh?  I'm not in the mood to put up with Harry and his stuck-up attitude.  


"Not in the mood to watch a movie with us?" Why does he care?  It's not like I'm going to tell him anything.  

I give him a shrug as my answer.  He looks at me, contemplating something, before his face sets in a smirk.

"I know your little secret" he says chuckling.  My secret?  Is he talking about the whole Josh-Lance thing or is this about how we're in danger right now?  What if knows both?  How did he even find out?  Did Josh tell him?  How could he!  

I try to control my breathing as my mind swirls with these questions.  My hands are twitching a little. They always do when I'm nervous or hyperventilating.  Then, I look up, realizing Harry was still in the room, analyzing me.

"So you do have a secret" he murmurs to himself.  What!  

"You were bluffing!" I gasp at him.  His sheepish grin confirms my accusation.  That cheeky bastard! Who does he think he is?  

"You can tell me you know" he says growing serious.  "I'm always here if you want to talk to me".  

Hah!  Jokes.  Like I would ever talk to him, much less tell him anything. 

"Get out of my room" I demand.  If he stays a bit longer, I might just rip his head off.  I'm not the most patient person in the world.  

"Not until you tell me what's on your mind."  The nerve of this kid!  

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