Chapter 12

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Gahhh so sorry for not updating!!! Please don't kill me :(

Anyways this chapter dedicated to @kaiwavy123 for her awesomeness because she comments on like every chapter!  Hehe, thank youuu <3

-Love you allll :)

PS sorry for the mistakes, I didn't have time to go over this chapter because I just wanted to publish it!

Josie's POV

Harry continues walking me back to where our hotel is at, keeping his arm around my shoulder.  I glance over at his face and am surprised to see that it's stressed and his eyes look distant.

"Harry, are you okay?" I ask, looking up at him.

He glances at me briefly, before he stares back out into the distance.  

"Harry," I whine trying to get a reaction out of him. "What's wrong?"

He finally stops to look at me and gives me his signature cheeky smile.  I relax a bit, knowing that he's okay.

"Jay...I need to ask you something," he says looking at the ocean nervously.

"You know you can ask me anything!" I chirp trying to lighten his mood.

"Well...I was wondering," he pauses for a second, a shadow crossing his face. "I was just wondering what you were doing out here all alone," he finally says.  I frown, that's not what he meant to say at all, but I answer him anyways.

"I was just getting some fresh air," I reply.

"Then why were you with that bloke again?" he snaps at me.  I flinch back from his aggressive tone.

"I-I just saw him here, by accident," I stutter, confused as to why he cared.

"Agghh," he moans ruffling up his head of curly hair.  I would laugh at his stressed face and annoyed expression if I weren't so confused.

"Harry are you sure you're okay?" I ask glancing at the dimple that appeared when he sent me a reassuring smile.  

"I'm fine, absolutely fine." He says before taking in a shaky breath.  "I just need to ask you something else," he looks me in the eyes and I nod, urging him to continue.  "Will you be my girlfriend?"

I felt a smile light up my entire face and I had to control my emotions to keep from jumping up and down.  Harry just asked me to be his girlfriend!  Ohmygod!  I didn't know I was capable of fangirling but I was just so excited right now.  

"I mean, you don't have to...if you don't want to.  It's just that...uhm," Harry began mumbling nonsense and I realized I hadn't replied yet.  I laughed at his nervous expression and kissed him to stop his mumbling.

He froze before wrapping his arms around my waist.  I smiled as he smiled into the kiss, our lips moving in perfect sync.  This kiss was different from the our first, it was more urgent, more passionate.  I could've just stood there, kissing him forever and ever.  

"Is that a yes?" he breathed when we pulled apart.  

I giggled and nodded eagerly.  

"Yes! I can finally call you my girlfriend now!" he whooped picking me up and spinning me around before setting me down and planting a kiss on my lips.  I smiled, knowing that he was happy now.  But in a dark corner in the back of my mind, my little voice was warning me to be careful, to watch out, because Harry was a player.

Never mind that, I don't care.  You know what they say, YOLO.

Harry then took me hand and we walked back to the hotel together, swing our arms back and forth.

Piper's POV

Josh and I had just finished touring around town after tonight's concert.  It was nice to finally have some alone time with my boyfriend.  I smiled happily thinking only of my childhood best friend who was now all mine.  

We stopped in front of our hotel room which everybody was chilling in.  Josh slipped in the card key but stopped when we heard a loud crash from the other side of the door.  We looked into each other's eyes for only a millisecond before bursting through the door.

"What you guys up to now?" Josh yelled walking down the corridor that led to our two beds.  I stood there and gaped at the mess they had made. 

Niall and Zayn were wrestling on the floor, seeming to be covered in white powder.  Louis was attempting to fix the telly which was somehow on the floor with a big crack through it's glassy screen.  Liam was sitting on the couch attempting to put feathers back in a pillow.  

"Why are you guys back already?" Louis shouted twisting wires around his hand, trying to untangle them.

"Its nearly midnight, and how do you guys expect us to sleep here tonight?" Josh replied eyeing Niall who had started licking the white powder from his arms.

I looked around noticing Harry and Josie were gone...Oh la la. 

"You can share a room with me and Zayn!" Niall chimed in, "As long as you two don't start making out."

I made a face at him before the door opened behind us.

"What the...?" Josie asked coming in and looking around the room with Harry at her side.  Their fingers were interlocked.  Wait.  THEIR FINGER WERE INTERLOCKED.  

"EEEPPP! Are you guys finally a couple?" I squealed.  Louis looked up and took two long strides over to Harry.

"You're growing up so fast!" He said wiping imaginary tears from his cheeks.  

"So you guys are a couple?" Liam asked walking over with Zayn who had a big silly grin on his face.

"Yup." they both replied at the same time, popping the 'p'.  

I smiled for my friend.  She never was a social butterfly, and now she had her first boyfriend!  I was glas she got over her insecurities, and Harry had better treat her right.  

Harry's POV

I smiled and nodded accepting everybody's congratulations.  Josie was at my side with our fingers interlocked still.  I looked over at her and her sleepy eyes met mine, their spark fading a little.

"Okay, well guys, I think me and Josie are gonna get to bed.  Have fun cleaning up the mess!" I said waving to the disastrous mound of crap everywhere.  They all grumbled their goodnights, complaining how it was unfair that we didn't have to clean up with them.  I don't think they realized that this was a hotel and there were maids everywhere to do the job for them, but their loss!

I wrapped my arm around Josie's waist protectively as we made our way back to our room.  

"Goodnight" she said flopping down on the bed without even changing.  

"Goodnight love," I whispered kissing her forehead.  I started to walk over to my bed before she tugged me back with her hand that was still locked with mine.

"Stay with me," she pouted not opening her eyes.  I chuckled at her expression before slipping into the bed with her and cuddling with her as she snuggled into my chest.  

Josie fell asleep instantly but I couldn't help but to stay awake and admire her features.  They were just beautiful.  


Huh?  I looked around for the source of the sound before a dim light lit up inside Josie's sweatshirt that she still had on.  I quietly slipped my hand into the pocket and pulled out the phone, narrowing my eyes when I saw the contact.  Normally, I wouldn't snoop around like this, but I couldn't resist.

Drake: Hey, wanna meet up tomorrow at the Starbucks at the boardwalk for breakfast? Xxx :)

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