Another school day pt. 1

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Tuesday, Week 1


I wake up by myself for once because I couldn't sleep last night. You know why? Let me tell's Megamo I know I just met him but out of ALL the beautiful/handsome people in school to ask out he picks me. The awkward new girl/boy. Am I just paranoid? Well I don't know but I'll tell Osano about our date. I forcefully pick myself up from my soft...bed.'s my second day of school and I already hate it. I do my usual daily routine then I look at the time...oh wow! It's only 6:45 am I guess I'm going to school early today. Maybe I can take a quick jog before at least 15 minutes..ok I'll go. I'll meet Osano at my house at 7:00. I grab my phone and earphones out of my school bag and I put the earphones in my ears and start jogging. As I jog some weirdo with a cigarette stops me from my jog. I remove my earphones to start asking him what his problem was.

"Hello, what's your name girlie?" the man said in his drunk state. I look at him if he has any weapon or alcohol,I notice that he was wearing the males uniform for Akademi High. I freeze knowing that someone who might be a criminal is attending the same school as I. "Come on what is it..can I have your phone number?" He asked demanding. I ask and almost shouted "Who do you think you are? I will not tell you anything!". His face was angry and he shouted "Do you know who my father is?! He is the boss of Ronshaku Loans and I'm is son Musumo Ronshaku!" my mother told me before to stay away from loan sharks..because they are dangerous.

Another voice said something that made my head snap up "Don't harass my girl/man Ronshaku!". Wth I'm nobody's girl/man..I look behide me to see a tan muscular boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. He winked at me meaning to go along which I did. "Ya leave me alone" I say giving Musumo my meanest hard stare as the boys put his arm around my waist. Musumo frowns and walks away saying "You're loss..bitch.". Did he just call me a female dog?! I just turned around and flipped him off before Musumo left. I just want to slap him but I shouldn't mess with people like him. I look up to see my savior and he also is wearing a Akademi High uniform but with a mustard yellow jacket around his waist. "Are you ok miss/sir? I'm sorry about what I said back there..." the boy apologized. "No, no problem. Thanks for saving me from that weirdo..." I said in awe actually this boy is really polite. "Your welcome uhh..I noticed that you were do you want to jog with me?" the boy stuttered. "Sure but first what is your name? I noticed that you also go to Akademi High." I replied. "Oh ya my name is Aso Rito and I'm president of the sports club and yours?" Aso asked. "My name is Y/N L/N and I'm a new student in Akademi, nice to meet you!" I said. I look down at my watch and it is 7:00. "Ok I'll go for 15 minutes then I'm going to head to school" I said rushed. "Sure let's start" Aso replied with a smile.

Time skip 7:15 am

Osano's POV

WHERE THE HELL IS Y/N?! I'll wait for her for 5 more minutes...I miss her.

I walk to school with Aso and we talk about family and what we like. By the time we get to the gates we were greeted by the gym teacher winking at Aso for some reason. I believe the teacher is Aso's aunt though...that's weird, but oh well that is family business.

Aso's POV
Lately my Aunt has been bugging me about getting a girlfriend. I've heard from movies and friends that if your with the right person you would feel...different like a spark. I feel nervous and...happy when I'm with Y/N-Chan/Kun. Y/N looks so beautiful/handsome with his/her E/C crystal clear eyes. I want to be near her/him at all times. "Aso-Kun this is my stop uhhh...I guess this is goodbye?" Y/N said awkwardly. With this said it made my head snap up to look at him/her. We are in front of class 2-1. "Ok I'm in class 2-2. Do you want to hang out with me during lunch?" I ask hopefully. "I-I'm sorry Aso-Kun but I'm going to eat with my friend." Y/N said warmly. Those words made a hole in my chest where my heart was, I try not to sound sad and say "O-Ok see you Y/N". I walk away as fast as I can to my class.

I walk in class just in time. I look at Osano's chair and it's empty I just realize that I left him waiting at my house...oh no. The teacher walks in staring at Osano's empty seat and looks back at me.

Time skip 7:40 am

Osano's POV
OH NO!!! I am so late it's all Y/N's fault because I was waiting for him/her. As I run into my classroom the teacher frowns at me, and told me to sit down in my chair. Right next to me was...her/him. The love of my life. Why did she/he leave me waiting?! I am definitely going to give Y/N a piece of my mind!

Word count: 972 words

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