Clubz -.-

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Tuesday, Week 1


It's the end of the day.. thankfully, hehe. I haven't joined a club yet, so I'll look around if there are any clubs that Sparks my interest. I walk around looking at the narrow hallways. I stop to look at a room. Drama club? I guess it sounds interesting, I'll check it out. I walk into a empty purple room with red velvet curtains with a golden trim. It was actually really nice. I find a piece of some lyrics to my favorite song, (fav song). I stand on the mini black stage in the middle of the room. And begin to sing~

*Y/N is about to finish the song*

After I finished the song, I heard clapping from the other side of the room from a purple haired boy. The boy had purple curly hair and purple eyes, he wore a a red robe that draped over his body. He looked very...err...strange. Who wears a robe to school, like wth? I play along and curtsy after the performance, he walks over to me and says "What a wonderful performance, my butterfly!". I blush a tint of pink because of that little nickname he gave me, 'my butterfly'. I introduce myself by saying "Hi, my name is Y/N L/N,". "What a gorgeous name for a beautiful girl~" the boy says cheesily, "T-Thank y-you, what's your name?" I ask curiously. "Oh how rude of me! My name is Kizano Sunobu...leader of the drama club," Kizano says in a husky tone. "No need to call me your king. Since you are very beautiful, call me Kizano-kun or Kizano either one works. "Errrrrrrrr..ok" I replied weirded out, then asks me excitedly "Are you joining the drama club?". Should I join the drama club? This dude is very flirtatious, yet charming. Kizano sounds and acts like a snob who has his head full of fantasy's (including the cape, cause he thinks he's a king of some sort) up his arse. Oh, I now know why Kizano's last name is 'Sunobu' because he acts like a snob! I chuckled at that last thought. Kizano looked at me with confusion and asked sadly "Is that a no?". I smiled and said "No, I'll think about it,". After I said that the bell rang signalling that I have to go home, or else my mom will be worried. "Bye Kizano, I need to go back home," I said while leaving the club room.

Kizano's POV

Wow. Just wow. She is truly something, she has the talent and the looks. What is this strange feeling inside of me? Is this love? I'm not sure...

*Time skip at home*

I chill on my bed at 6:53 pm while my phone was blowing up with messages from Osano, he is trying to tell me that he's sorry. I decided since I'm bored and have nothing to do, I'll text Osorō.

6:53 pm
Me: Hi Osorō, this is Y/N
Osorō: Hi Y/N, how are you holding up?
Me: I'm doing fine...

I was lying I feel heartbroken after the incident with Osano.

Osorō: Ok, if it makes you feel any better I punched the dude after dismissal time.
Me: What?! Did it leave a mark?
Osorō: Just a bruise on his arm, nothing more. He wasn't worth beating up.
Me: Okk...
Me: Umm...I'll text you tommorow, my mom is calling me. Goodnight.
Osorō: K, I hope it's not awkward between us.
Osoro: Goodnight

I lied to Osorō, because even though I hate Osano I need to check on him.

7:08 pm

Me: Osano are you alright?
Osano: What do you mean 'alright', you Baka?? Some psychopath punched me after dismissal!!
Me: Sorry
Osano: Did you have anything to do with it, Y/N?
Me: I told me friend about what happened during lunch, then he was pissed. It's my fault.
Osano: No, is not. I shouldn't have screamed at you. I said harsh words to you, I deserve it.
Me: Yes you do.
Osano: Y/N you just ruined the moment!!
Me: I know but it was funny. I'm not sorry (get the reference to Hamilton? Is it just me? Sorry, back to the story. Even though the chapter is almost finished).
Osano: Is it cool between us now?
Me: Yep.
Osano: Great.

*After a long conversation with Osano*

It was 9:30 pm, and Osano and I just finished talking about random stuff since we're friends now. It's time for me to sleep for school tomorrow.


Hey guys! I just started my new Hamilton story and it is out! Check it out (pls, if u want :/).

Hey guys! I just started my new Hamilton story and it is out! Check it out (pls, if u want :/)

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               ~ Author-chan aka ilikedonut

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               ~ Author-chan aka ilikedonut

Word count: 797 words

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