Dirt (special)

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Week 2, Tuesday


I walk into school receiving many glares and mean looks from students. On the walls of the schools walls were pictures, of old interactions with those boys I met. One was of when Osano on top of me. Amao kissing me. Osorō hugging. Mido kissing me. Magamo and I on a date. Hanakõ and I walking together. Kizano and I talking to each other. Oh sh!t. Class was about to start. I walk into my classroom, there were writings on my desk. The were words like whore, slut, bitch, hooker, dumbass, desperate. There were many messages on my desk telling me to kill myself. To top it off, there was a beautiful white flower meaning that I should die. Something like that. Mido walked into class and starting to teach out of full embarrassment. Wouldn't he get arrested by now?

The tears flood down my eyes as I ran out of my classroom. Mr. Rana was calling me from behind to come back. I ran as far away from my classroom. I ran until I was at the fountain of school. I knew nobody will bother me because class already begun. I sit on the fountain as I sob my heart out. I sit down with my head in my hands.

There were footsteps of other people coming towards me. "L/N," the Hana started. "What do you want from me?! I did nothing to you!" I said. Hana walk up to me with her 'girlfriends' behide her and slapped me. I hold me cheek where the sting came from. With that she said "Sweet, sweet revenge. Bitch, all your little boyfriends will hate you now," and walked off to smoke. So this was all her doing? Fuck her. I hope she goes to hell and rot. I stared at them as they walked away until they were out of sight.

*15 minutes later*

3rd Person POV (finally)

There was someone walking to Y/N. Y/N heard the footsteps of the person. She instantly said "HANA, LEAVE ME ALONE! I want to be alone," as she continues to sob. "I'm not that Hana bitch. I came here to confort you, Y/N," said a voice. Y/N looked up to see (boy of choice). He sat next to Y/N and comforted her/him throughout the day. They hugged each other as Y/N continued to cry on his shirt until it was soaked. They ditched classes too and hung out for the rest of the day. He truly loved Y/N.

Word count: 434 words

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