A new chapter

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Hey guys, I've been working on something during my absence and I hope you'll check it out, I really do. My friend and I wrote a story that I'm really proud of and the first chapter is out! It's called 'If Only' maybe you can read the description and see if you're interested, maybe. I'll put a bit of the first chapter here and you can read the full chapter in the book.

Here it is:


I heard my heart throbbing in my chest as I brisk walked through the city of Busan. All the buildings stood in one neat line, making it a pleasant sight. The lampposts were all dimly lit, making the stars above stand out. The winter breeze blew my dress to my side, leaving my bare legs shivering because of the cold. I heard the clattering of my heels on the pavement as I walked to my destination.

I looked up to see the sky mixed with infinite shades of black and blue, no clouds were in sight and the bright stars lit up the sky. I stayed on the side of the road as I made my way towards the C&R Hotel, my father's company building. Once the building was in sight, I saw the Christmas decorations and fairy lights that were put up. I crossed the busy road where both cars and people were to get to the building that stood out from the others.

I walked into the lobby and smiled sadly looking at the chandelier displayed above. Doesn't that ceiling ever make you want to cry? I wondered. I get lost in my own thoughts telling me the worst things. I hate those voices in my head, that's the only reason I was doing that in the first place. I continue to look down at my feet to avoid eye-contact with people who may know me as 'The famous and rich CEO's daughter'. I sighed and kept my head down.

Those Boys (Yandere Simulator male rivals x reader) Still editingWhere stories live. Discover now