🌠 Nineteen

47 7 8

A Restless Soul

It felt heavy

So very heavy at first

The heart, the mind, the soul

Burdened with something

She couldn't really figure

Was it just the pain of the heart

Or was it the pain of hopes and dreams

Crashing onto her

Bruising and wounding her deep

Or maybe it was her expectations

Falling from the high peaks

Vanishing into numb nothingness

In the blink of an eye


She kept trying

Trying to piece together

The puzzle her life had become

Trying to decipher her faults

To see where she went wrong

To see if it was fate, or just a disastrous delusion

But she knew she was failing

- Knew from the very start

Knew it was as worthless

As trying to stop a destined doom


Giving up this fruitless search

Was what was left in the end

And that is what she did

But in that she found

The peace which pacified

Her restless, searching soul

The joy that was just as hidden

As the rays of light behind the grey, grey clouds

And in the end she was left to wonder

- Is this what it is then?

Is this what they call

moving on?

Is this what I was always

looking for?

~ Fia, the pacifist

Heya everyone! Hope you're enjoying my poems till now 😄

Plus, do tell me what you think of the banner above, which I made myself, may I add 🙈🙊

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