Super long chapter as promised. Dedicated to Dying_Ashes. She'll understand why once she's read the chapter But her pester power has kept me motivated even though I've had a rough few days, so thank you girly ♥
Dress and song are on the side, I suggest listening to the song on repeat throughout this chapter because this version is so so beautiful :3
Enjoy and I hope you like the super long chapter :D
Two months flew by.
The day after the Golden Gods, Andy had snuck out, so I lazed about on my laptop, watching my twitter feed.
At the moment, I only followed the guys and girls, but within a week of having twitter, I'd gained a good 500 followers.
Andy had been all secretive when he came back and after dinner he told me that the guys were working on their final song, which had been inspired by me. I went ridiculously red and Andy wouldn't let that go for a good ten minutes.
After that, I went in the studio with the guys on the days they were scheduled in, and I listened to what they had come up with. Andy wouldn't let me hear or see the lyrics though so I figured that it was special.
So when Andy was recording, I asked CC to teach me how to play drums, because it had always been an instrument I was fascinated by.
By the end of the month, I could produce something close to the start of The Legacy. CC was pretty proud of me seeing as I was a beginner, then again, I'd always been a fast learner.
During the second month, the album went into pre production, so it would be another two to three months before we even heard it. And then it'd be another 3 or so months before the album hit the shelves of the world.
So during the end of February, I went shopping once in awhile when I felt like getting out of the house, and the guys often came over for the day to talk about touring and just other crap which they did.
Before I knew it, Myself, Lori, Sammi, CC, Jinxx and Andy were stood in the airport. Prom was tomorrow night, so we were heading back today, I'd head into school with Sammi and Andy so that I could sort all the required stuff out.
I felt myself space out by this point. My body followed the motions, but I couldn't focus. My mind had shut down in sheer fear of seeing him. It was only when Andy shook my shoulders once we had arrived and we were all stood in arrivals, the reality came crashing down on me.
"Kalli? Is everything okay?" his voice was concerned as the guys stayed a few steps ahead of us, just talking.
My throat closed up again and so I just shook my head. I did not want to be here.
"C'mon. What's the name of the School?" I pulled out my pad and wrote down the three words. 'Sandwell Valley High'.
Lori hailed a two cabs and I got in with Sammi and Lori, whereas the guys took the other one.
Lori gave the cabbie the address of the hotel before explaining that we needed to get to the high school. So after we signed in and dropped off our luggage in one of the rooms, we left the hotel and it wasn't much longer before we'd hit the familiar highway which took us on the way to my school.
"Kalli? You've been awfully subdude. Is everything okay?" Lori cast a glance at me and I just shrugged as I pulled my pad out.
'Just nervous I guess. I didn't want to come back here.' Sammi sent me a sympathetic look and Lori sighed.

Don't Forget [Andy Biersack]
Fanfiction18 year old Kalliska Terrix, otherwise known as Kalli, has suffered hell from her father and her tormentors at High School. She can only find peace within music and lyrics, so what happens when her School involve their top musical students in a prog...