I got the chapter out! I'm proud of myself hahaha.
Because I don't understand how the facebook dedication thing works right now (It's gone 2am so give me my dues, I'm exhausted xD) I shall give the dedication, but the person reading this will understand because she basically made my night by telling me that she reads my stories and that she likes them :3 (I'll admit, I did a bit of a fangirlish squeal and I clapped really childishly. xD)
Enjoy the chapters my lovlies ♥
Our lips parted and I couldn't help but smile as I looked up at him, and his lips mirrored my own.
"I've been waiting to do that." He muttered softly and I felt my heart skip a beat.
I felt rather speechless. I held onto the silent moment for a few seconds longer.
"Finally!" Sammi's voice made us both jump and I instantly blushed, having forgotten that the other two couples had an incredibly good view of where we were.
"You were waiting for that?" Andy questioned and Sammi grinned.
"I could see that you both liked each other. I had a bet with Jinxx that you would kiss by the end of the night, and you did." She grinned smugly at her boyfriend who just rolled his eyes.
I felt my cheeks grow redder and I hid my face in Andy's chest. I could feel his chest vibrating so I slapped his arm.
"Can the ground swallow me up right about now?" I muttered and the guys just laughed.
"C'mon, we'll head back and those two can hit the bars." Sammi and Lori high fived each other before Andy pulled me away from the four of them. We reached to where the limo was waiting and We clambered in.
As the limo pulled away from the school, I leant my head on Andy's shoulder and he held my hand, entwining our fingers. both of us remained silent for the journey back, but it was nice. Not the awkward crap you see or read in books.
We reached the hotel and both of us thank the drivers. Andy helped me out of the limo before guiding me through, heading to the back of the hotel instead of heading to the escalator.
There was a beautiful view of the city lights and the pool shimmered in the moonlight. It was a stunning view.
"So, with what happened earlier.." He trailed off and instantly I felt my heart and hope deflate.
"What about it?" Even in my tone I detected how dejected I was feeling.
"I meant what I said. I've waited so long to do that." I looked up and I could see the honesty shining in his eyes. My lips pulled back into a smile and the hope reappeared.
"I'll be honest, I was waiting for you to kiss me." I murmured quietly and he blinked in shock before he smiled sheepishly at me.
"Looks like we were both wanting the same thing without realising it..." He trailed off and I laughed.
"Looks like it." Andy took my hand and I blinked in shock before I looked up at him and he gave me the same smile that he had just before we went on the shopping trip with Ashley.
"I like you a lot, so would you do the honour of being my girlfriend?" I felt my heart stop.
Once upon a time I dreamed of this, but I gave up that dream long ago, yet here he was, asking me to be his girlfriend.
"Of course." I murmured and before I could talk any further, he pressed his lips to mine in a gentle kiss once more.
I could feel my heart hammering in my chest and it made me smile into the kiss. Andy pulled his lips away from my own and rested his forehead against mine.

Don't Forget [Andy Biersack]
Fanfiction18 year old Kalliska Terrix, otherwise known as Kalli, has suffered hell from her father and her tormentors at High School. She can only find peace within music and lyrics, so what happens when her School involve their top musical students in a prog...