Sorry it's short. I've had a rought few days and I've been under the weather :/
I hope you enjoy this chapter ♥
I smiled shyly at Lily, offering a small wave as the girl eyed me curiously. The body language she gave off told me she seemed wary about me, but after a small glance to the side, she relaxed and grinned at me.
"Nice to meet you Kalli, I'm Lily White, Jake's girl." She grinned and I simply nodded my head.
When she realised that I wasn't going to say anything, I started to feel uncomfortable and I turned to Sammi, giving her a pleading look.
"Oh!" At this, both Lori and Lily jumped slightly at Sammi's outburst as her hands slapped to her cheeks and she stared at me in a look of horror almost.
"I'm so sorry Kalli! I'd just forgotten." I smiled and shrugged my shoulders. It felt nice that people could just easily forget that I don't speak a lot. "Lily?"
"Yeah Sammi?" At this, we all started walking towards the interior of the mall. Sammi was a few steps behind me, Lily by her side whereas Lori walked by me, her silence comforting as we listened to what Sammi was saying.
"Please don't feel awkward when Kalli doesn't respond, it seems that she can't speak to new people or in public places." She murmured to her friend, only loud enough so that myself and Lori could hear.
"Oh. I guess I know how she feels, I mean, I wouldn't speak to you for a solid five days when I first met you because I was nervous!" She joked and I felt a smile creep onto my features at her words.
So there were people who knew how I felt.
"You know, just because we've not been through what you have, doesn't mean we're not trying to understand how you feel." Lori murmured, almost comfortingly. I turned to her and gave her a grin, which she returned.
"What made you go so quiet though? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but myself, as well as Sammi, and possibly Lily now want to help you overcome the fear which is blocking you from everyday conversations." Her words seems like a security blanket, and I mentally grabbed a hold of it as I wavered my hand in the air, unsure as how to get across that I'd tell her soon.
"Lori, Kalli? Shall we head over into Starbucks and get some coffee before we start off with this trip?" Lori let out a groan and I laughed silently at her reaction.
"How about we work in twos and swap over, spending time with each other. Seeing as we have our own preferences..." Lori trailed off and Sammi's face lit instantly.
"What if we swap at certain points, so we get equal time with each other, and Kalli gets a taste of what we each like?" Her lips were curved into a smile and I just shrugged, ready to take on this challenge.
"Okay, so how about if I pair with Kalli first and ease her into this shopping malarkey before I let her lose with you two?" Lori suggested and both girls laughed before nodding eagerly.
"Right, you okay with that Kalli?" I hesitated for a moment before I looked at Lori's features. Her lips were pulled back into a concerned look, as if she really wanted to know my thoughts. So I simply nodded, offering her a weak smile as Sammi and Lily high fived each other.
"We shall see you in two and a half hours then?" Sammi called and Lori laughed before nodding. I waved to Sammi and Lily before I turned to Lori.
"First, drinks." She grinned and I gave her a thumbs up as we found our ways to a small and quiet cafe.
"This is a nice place that I come to when I'm a bit overwhelmed." She grinned at me as she walked up to the counter, a fairly old lady stood there, flicking through a magazine. When she heard our footsteps, her head snapped up and her lips formed a grin.

Don't Forget [Andy Biersack]
Fanfiction18 year old Kalliska Terrix, otherwise known as Kalli, has suffered hell from her father and her tormentors at High School. She can only find peace within music and lyrics, so what happens when her School involve their top musical students in a prog...