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"Um, Wan-Nu, why did you give her sleeping pills?" Sahn-Re asked as he sat down on his bed beside a passed out Teller, poking her jaw without a single reaction. The kid was out cold, having fallen asleep barely twenty minutes after Sahn-Re had started practicing. 

Wan-Nu looked down at Teller and shook his head, dropping down to the bed as well, so that he could reach over and check for a fever. "They weren't sleeping pills, just the pain medication I was prescribed for my back. She looked like crap and probably felt even worse considering how badly she was fidgeting, so I gave her the recommended dose for someone who's around sixteen. I can't imagine her being any younger than that." 

"She's a little warm, but that's probably because she's still wearing a jacket and scarf in here." He said as he nodded to Sahn-Re. "Help me get them off." 

Sahn-Re carefully lifted Teller's upper body and leaned her against his chest so that Wan-Nu could remove the jacket first. The scarf came undone as the jacket was shed, making it easy to unwrap a few times, then toss aside. 

"Okay, what should we do Wan-Nu? I doubt her manager wants her to stay overnight here, but she had to be exhausted to be knocked out by those pills so quickly." 

When Wan-Nu didn't answer, Sahn-Re  began to speak again, but his manager lifted his hand abruptly, silencing him. After a moment Wan-Nu's hand slowly lowered back to press gently against a patch of discolored skin peaking out from beneath the neckline of Teller's shirt. 

"What's that?" Sahn-Re asked in a tone that made it clear that he knew exactly what it likely was. 

Wan-Nu hung his head as he let out a tired sigh. 

"What's going on?" En-Ti asked as him and Tay-Yun stepped into the room and walked over to see what they were doing. 

"You knocked her out? Thank you." Tay-Yun said with a grin, earning a glare from both Sahn-Re and Wan-Nu, making his smile drop in confusion. "What? What's wrong?" He asked as he leaned over to look down at Teller. 

"What's wrong with her neck...?" He asked as he noticed the discoloration.  

Shaking his head, Wan-Nu reached up and took off Teller's sunglasses, then set them on top of the jacket and scarf they'd removed from her beside her. 

"I think she needs to go to the hospital." He said as he carefully lifted Teller into his arms. Sahn-Re nodded and hopped up right away, intent on coming along. 

He ran ahead to open the door, but when he heard a curse, he hurried back to the room to see Teller struggling in Wan-Nu's arms. The kid still looked half asleep, and was now crying, but she still somehow managed to give Wan-Nu a hard time. It didn't help that Tay-Yun and En-Ti were just watching, either. 

"Clearly, she doesn't want to go anywhere with you." Tay-Yun said as he stood leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched the struggle. 


Teller slipped from Wan-Nu's arms and dropped back down to the bed after elbowing the man in the ribs. He tried to push himself up, but his arms refused the weight. His legs weren't much better, though he did manage to land a decent kick to Wan-Nu's hand as he tried to reach for him again. 

"Dammit. This kid's getting beaten to death and she doesn't even want help?" He growled out of frustration as he dug his hands through his short hair and dropped down to sit on the edge of the bed. 

Teller didn't try to kick him again. Mainly because he couldn't lift his leg without crying more. The pills had worked miracles, but feeling people touching him had brought back the memories of being hit, pushing aside the soothing affects of the medicine with panic. Now that he was able to calm down and realize what was actually going on, he forced himself to take a few deep breaths. 

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