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There you are sweety, come now, help your amazing grandmother cook for your friends." 

Teller tried to backtrack as he stepped into the kitchen, but was nudged further inside by Tay-Yun. "I would love some home made food." He said, putting a hand on Teller's shoulder to help lead him even closer to his grandmother. 

"As soon as I noticed your fridge, I knew I had to make something." She said to Tay-Yun, smiling at the bags of groceries that had somehow appeared on the counter within the time it took Teller to throw his tantrum. 

He hesitantly walked over to them and peered inside of each, his eyebrows rising with each new item he saw. "We're cooking all of this? Right now?" He asked as he turned to give his grandmother a worried stare. 

"Oh hush. You love cooking, and it's all of your favorites. Now get some pots and pans out, we've got work to do." 

Sighing in defeat, Teller followed Tay-Yun around as he showed him where everything was. They ended up filling each burner on the stove, two with two pots and the other two with two pans, as well as the oven. One pot held a mountain of pasta while the other one was used for chicken and dumplings. One pan was sauteing vegetables and the other was going to be for alfredo sauce... as soon as Teller could finish grating the Parmesan cheese and mixing together the spices. In the oven was a giant glass pan full of lasagna and halfway through cooking, they slid in a tray of garlic and cheese bread.  

They worked together for the better half of two hours before Ike decided to grace everyone with his presence as he found his way to the kitchen. "Something smells really good." He mumbled as he scratched at his belly, just beneath his T-shirt. 

When Teller saw his grandmother turn around with a glare that would have made a moose cower, he realized that she probably remembered his voice, though how, he wasn't sure. 

"You. Your manager is a piece of garbage." She said, wagging her finger at him as she walked forward. 

Ike wisely shrunk back a little and averted his eyes, but the submissive gesture didn't save him. "And you called me several times, while I was in the hospital, no less! Have you no respect for your elders?" 

Wait, Mr. Canzoni had made Ike call her, too? 

"Do you really think this old lady will tolerate you trying to guilt trip her into guilt tripping her grandson?" She grumbled, waving a wooden spoon at him. 

Ike fidgeted and backed away. When Teller's grandmother, who was named Ethel, didn't follow, and instead slowly turned back around to tend the food, Ike sighed with relief. His eyes searched the room briefly before he turned to catch Wan-Nu stopping right beside him. 

"Hey. Did you take my pills?" He asked, clearly holding back saying something else, likely because of Ethel watching him over her shoulder. 

Wan-Nu nodded, but when he didn't move to produce the medication bottle, Ike bristled. "Well? Give it to me." He said, earning a shake of the head. 

"You already took the safe dose. You can't take more until after noon." He said, earning a scowl from Ike before he stepped closer, trying to clearly intimidate Wan-Nu, even though they were close to the same height. 

The sound of Ethel's wooden spoon smacking Ike's side rang through the kitchen, quickly followed by Ike dropping with a loud yelp. 

Probably not the best place to hit him, grandma. 

Wan-Nu dropped to his knees right away and gently lifted Ike's shirt to reveal a nasty bruise. He was soon joined by Ethel, her spoon pointed down at Ike's cringing face. "You know you deserved that. Not the beating, but the wack you got. Trying to intimidate an elder is uncalled for." She said, huffing before standing back up, letting Wan-Nu help Ike to his feet. 

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