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(Little chapter Tay-Yun wouldn't let me skip) 

The faint sound of music tugged at Teller's conscious. For once, he was actually quite comfortable, even with the excess warmth he felt snug up against him. He sure likes to cuddle. 

Yawning, Teller grabbed the arm around his waist and began tugging it off, only for it to tighten around him. "Tay-Yun?" He hadn't expected the guy to still be awake... but then again, he wasn't even sure what time it was. 

"Go back to sleep. It's Wan-Nu setting up the track order for tonight." Tay-Yun said, his voice quiet, yet Teller couldn't hear a hint of sleep in his words. It almost sounded as if he hadn't actually fallen asleep yet. 

He tried to shift around so that he was facing the guy, but Tay-Yun kept a strong hold on him until he realized that Teller was too stubborn to back down. When he rolled over onto his other side, Teller was surprised to see how close they really were. Especially their faces. 

A flashback of the previous night made his face warm. He ducked his head against Tay-Yun's chest, feeling the young man's warmth even through the fabric of his shirt. He smells good. 

Feeling a faint brush against his hair, Teller looked up curiously. Tay-Yun's arms were both wrapped around him now, with one hand at his waist and another settled against his lower back, so he couldn't have brushed his hair with them...

Teller got his answer when he saw Tay-Yun's shadowed face lean down and press a kiss to his forehead. The gesture was so light, that he barely even felt the brush of lips, but the gesture definitely couldn't be ignored. Unfortunately, Teller's mouth wasn't functioning when he opened it, considering no sound could be heard before it closed. 

When he gave up speaking and just pressed his lips together, Tay-Yun chuckled. He didn't hear it as much as he felt the rumbling sound vibrating through their touching chests. 

"Don't pout, Teller. Did you want me to kiss a little lower?" 

Teller's heart jerked in his chest as he quickly gave his head a slight shake, his forehead brushing against Tay-Yun's shirt again. 

"Hmm. Are you sure? You may never get the chance to kiss one of your idols again." Tay-Yun said as he nudged Teller's hair with his chin gently. 

Kiss? He'd never even thought about doing such a thing... most days. He couldn't say that he'd never thought about boys, either. It had just been a phase, mainly, though. 

He turned back around in Tay-Yun's arms and was about to try and make himself go back to sleep when he heard his phone begin to ring. He must have been more tired than he'd thought, because he wasn't nearly fast enough to get to his phone before Tay-Yun had it answered and held up to his ear. 

"Hello?" He said calmly as Teller landed on his chest, his arms outstretched toward where his phone had been moments ago. 

When his brain caught up with the fact that he was way too late, he slumped over, his arms hanging over the side of the bed as Tay-Yun settled his free arm across his back nonchalantly. 

"Ah, grandma. Good afternoon." 

That accent. Is he doing it on purpose? 

Scooting back a bit, Teller folded his arms on Tay-Yun's chest and got somewhat comfortable as he settled his head on top of them, facing the guy who was schmoozing his grandmother.

"That sounds lovely, ma'am." 

Teller huffed, earning a quiet chuckle as Tay-Yun lifted his free hand to settle on his head.

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