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Teller did the few dishes in the sink after Tay-Yun left for a meeting at the company. Wan-Nu ended up staying behind, making several phone calls that Teller only slightly overheard. He had a feeling that he was going to go after their manager now, but he couldn't find any reason to tell him not to. Sure, he could use the money from the next show, and Ike said he needed it, but the cost was starting to become dangerous. 

When he'd finished up his calls, Teller was just wiping down the last of the counter space with a damp cloth. "I called the police to investigate the situation with your manager. They are already heading over to the hotel they are staying at to check on the other two members of Mimic." 

Nodding in acknowledgement, Teller walked over to sink and rinsed the cloth he'd used, then set it over the middle metal section of the double sink to dry before turning to Wan-Nu. "Thank you, and sorry that I had told you not to get them involved in the first place." He said, his voice quieting as he spoke. 

Wan-Nu walked over and patted his shoulder, then gave it a gentle squeeze for reassurance. "I understand, Teller. Would you be willing to talk to the police if they want to ask you questions?" He asked, making Teller fidget. He was quiet for a few moments before he gave a hesitant nod. 

"Yeah. I'll talk to them...  but can you please make sure that they don't contact my grandmother?" He asked, worried what she would do if she found out that he'd been getting hurt by his manager. 

Probably fly over here and castrate him. After her book club, of course. 

Reaching up to rub at his neck, Wan-Nu hesitated, then licked his lips nervously before replying. "Technically, you are still a child here in Korea, though not in America anymore, I believe? It really depends on what the police want to do with that information, because you must be nineteen to be a legal adult here." 

I should have known that after having studied. 

"Okay. Hopefully they can see my side of it and not call her, but we'll see." He said, trying to sound optimistic. 

Wan-Nu gave him a reassuring smile and walked over to the fridge after grabbing a cup from the cupboard. He filled it halfway with orange juice, then grabbed a container from the fridge after checking what was in it. 

"I'm going to assume he doesn't like spicy things." Wan-Nu asked as he turned around, making Teller grin. 

"No. He hates them." He said. 

"I should put hot sauce on it then." Wan-Nu said more to himself than to Teller as he grabbed a fork from a drawer, but Teller still chuckled as he headed for the living room, intent on cleaning as much as he could. They'd let him stay, after all, so the least he could do was keep the place nice and clean. 

Wan-Nu stepped back into En-Ti's room, not surprised to see Ike sitting up against the headboard with a few pillows between it and his injured back. 

"Feeling any better?" Wan-Nu asked as he walked over, handing the container of garlic chicken and sticky rice to Ike, along with the fork. He set the juice on a coaster on the nightstand.  

The guy flipped the lid open and sniffed at the meat, hesitant to try it. "Is not spicy." Wan-Nu said, holding back an eye roll as Ike scowled at him. 

Ike poked at a piece of chicken a few times, making Wan-Nu want to smack him. He'd never felt truly annoyed by someone unless they played around with food. It was meant to be eaten, and he wouldn't lie to the guy about the heat. He didn't even know Ike and while he was told by Teller that he could be an ass, he couldn't just treat him badly. 

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