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"Are you ready yet, Grandpa!" Ike shouted across the stage, drawing more than a few eyes toward Wan-Nu as he talked in a hushed voice on the phone. 

Teller felt the secondhand embarrassed but couldn't help failing at biting back a grin. Ike had actually gotten better after they'd announced that they were together. They'd all been speechless, at first. Well, for several hours, actually. They'd all kind of just disappeared into their rooms and talked about how the world had ended up in such a state, but once dinner had been ordered and everyone's stomachs brought them to the small table for their meal, they decided to just shrug it off. 

If Ike, somehow, made Wan-Nu happy, then they'd support them... from a few steps away. 

Flashing lights drew Teller's attention upward just long enough for his boyfriend to sneak up behind him and tug him into a strong hug. 

"Hello, Tel. Ready for your first show?" He asked as he rested his chin on Teller's shoulder, both of them staring out at the empty rows of seats that his sold out concert would fill with people soon. 

"No, absolutely not." He replied, his nerves making his voice crack a tiny bit. 

Tay-Yun took a step back, only to grasp his shoulders and turn him around to face him. 

"Teller, you can do this. You've already sung on stage with Ello! This is going to be nothing." Tay-Yun said in his accented English, drawing an unwilling smile from Teller before he stepped into him for a hug. 

"You're right. I'm just so nervous that I'll mess up..." He mumbled against Tay-Yun's shirt. 

He felt his boyfriend chuckle, then was gently nudged away until they could meet each others' eyes. "I'll lend you something that's always helped me, alright?" 

Teller raised an eyebrow when Tay-Yun took a step back, then tugged his jacket form his shoulders, only to drape it over his. Looking down at the worn fabric, Teller licked his lips and slid his arms through the jacket. 

Tay-Yun snickered a little before reaching forward and taking Teller's right hand. "Let's roll these up a bit." He said as he did just that with the cuff, revealing the rest of Teller's hand after two turns of the fabric. 

He released his hand, just to grab the other and do the same, then lean forward to steal a quick kiss. "Now, get your backside up to the mic for soundcheck, hun." He said before nudging Teller toward the front of the stage. 

When his boyfriend finally, awkwardly, made his way to the microphone, Tay-Yun hopped off the stage and ran over to Wan-Nu, who was just hanging up his phone. Their eyes met as he tucked his phone into his jacket pocket, but Tay-Yun could tell that he seemed a bit more stressed than usual. 

He wasn't sure what might be the cause, though. Mr. Canzoni had finally left them alone after their lawyer had gotten the authorities involved and forced him to either take the money or leave them be. Tay-Yun knew that he was probably a bit stressed about Teller's first show, even though it wasn't a huge venue and should have been relaxing, considering that Ello regularly plays far larger groups, but then what could it be? 

When Wan-Nu ran a shaky hand through his hair and frowned down at where his phone was tucked into his coat pocket, Tay-Yun stepped forward. "Is everything okay, Wan-Nu?" 

His friend looked up at him, forcing a smile. "Yes, just didn't realize something was going on later this evening." He said, making Tay-Yun tilt his head in thought. 

He couldn't come up with anything important they had to do besides Teller's first concert that day. "What?" Tay-Yun asked, honestly drawing a blank. 

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