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Stepping through the rows of backstage curtains, Teller honestly felt pretty good. He was supposed to fill in for a backup singer using his own regular voice and Tay-Yun had worked him like a slave driver to get him ready... but he had secretly loved it. Not only had he gotten a lot of time by himself with him, but he'd also received voice lessons from his idol! 

"You're grinning adorably again. I might have to kiss you if you keep doing that." Tay-Yun said as he reached over and tugged softly on Teller's bottom lip. 

Turning his head quickly, Teller nipped the tip of Tay-Yun's finger, making the guy jump slightly. He knew that he didn't do it hard enough to hurt, but the look of mischief that came to Tay-Yun's eyes made him think that he might have given the wrong response. 

"Can I take that back?" He asked awkwardly as they stepped behind a curtain to be out of the view of prying eyes. 

Tay-Yun's grin grew as he reached forward, taking Teller's jaw gently but firmly between his fingers. "I'll allow it... if you trade me." He said, making Teller tilt his head just a bit, as far as Tay-Yun would allow him since he was still holding his jaw. 

"What do you mean?" He asked. 

Chuckling quietly, Tay-Yun licked his lips slowly, then leaned in. The kiss only lasted a moment, but Teller couldn't help but sigh at the contact. He really couldn't argue that he liked Tay-Yun, very, very much. 

When they broke apart, Tay-Yun slipped his hand into Teller's and began tugging him toward the stage. "Everyone is already set up. Let's have a fun show, then have even more fun later tonight, hm?" 

Teller's face burned as he was pulled up the stairs, his eyes turning down to his scuffed tennis shoes as each step took him closer to standing in front of hundreds, or really, thousands, of people. 

His palms began to sweat and he tried to tug the one Tay-Yun was holding away so that he could wipe it on his jeans, but his boyfriend held him tight. They stopped right before the edge of the curtain, which was the exact moment Teller realized that he had forgotten the basic sunglasses and hat he'd been offered as a disguise. 


Blinking through his panic, Teller lifted his eyes to Tay-Yun's. He was shaking a little and trying to keep his breathing even, but it was getting hard. 

"It will be okay." Tay-Yun said as he slipped his free hand into his pocket to remove the pair of sunglasses Teller now knew had been gifted to Tay-Yun by Mi-Yo. 

When the glasses slid up the bridge of his  nose, Teller immediately felt a little better. The stage lights above them were no longer too bright and part of his face was hidden from curious eyes. 

"We forgot the hat in the car. I can go get it?" Tay-Yun offered, making Teller's heart thump happily against his chest. 

Shaking his head, he grinned. "This is good enough. I'm not worried." 

Of course, he was, but the sunglasses did really help calm his nerves. 

"Are you sure?" Tay-Yun asked right as someone yelled "Five minutes!" 

Teller nodded quickly, then after a glance left and right, leaned in and slid his arms beneath Tay-Yun's jacket for a tight hug. "If my boyfriend can stand in front of so many people as the center of attention, I can learn to stand steadily behind him." 

He felt Tay-Yun take a deep breath before his arms tightly wrapped around him. "I hope you don't plan to go back to American, Tel. Because I don't think that I could let you." Tay-Yun whispered against his hair before reluctantly pulling away and winking, then jogging onto the stage. 

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