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I wake up in a bright room. I've never been here before.

"Hye Yoon. Wake up and let me explain this past month." The husky voice form earlier says.

"No need. I know your secret now." I say, sitting up and looking straight into Taehyung's eyes. He looks extremely worried along with the other six boys standing around the twin size bed that appears to be in a hospital room.

"What is it?"

"Your an angel. You were told to watch over me because my father wanted me back."I say and the boys all gasp in astonishment.

"H-how... how do you know that?" Taehyung asks, the other boys staying silent.

"Dreams. They seem to be the way I discover everything. My dad visited me in a dream when I was young and told me he was the devil. I knew something was up when you were suddenly here and all these weird things were happening around me, I just chose to not connect the dots because of the emotions that come with that. Well, my mind chose. Mom, she loved Dad. Then he left her after she told him that I was on the way. He, luckily, didn't beat her. He just tortured her emotionally. He said he would never leave her, but then he left before he even knew if I was a boy or girl. I've always had weird things happen to me but nothing that I fully understood like this." I say as I fiddle with my hands. I trust these boys and I hope they trust me.

"Why didn't you tell me? I knew what was going on but if I knew that you knew something was happening then I could have kept you safer." Taehyung whines, turning to face me.

"Listen Taehyung. My past is hard to talk about. It wasn't exactly the normal bad past, I guess. Nothing about me is normal. I am part demon, Taehyung. I can do things that no one else can. And I didn't know you were an angel until a couple of nights ago. I didn't think I could trust you with my secret."

"Let's go." Jin says, herding the other five boys out of the room. I look up to find Jungkook crying, Suga and Jimin seeming done with the situation, Namjoon, Jin, and J-Hope all seeming very happy with themselves and what is happening.

"Listen, I know you've had a bad past. And I didn't expect you to know that you were half demon. But I'm glad you do. It makes my job so much easier."

"Wait, you job was just to keep him from getting me?"

"Yeah, and protect you from people like the demon across the street that one day. See, there's this thing, I can kill demons by looking at them and chanting a very long chant in my head. And I killed him. But you being part demon, it affected you too even if I wasn't chanting at you. It affected every demon within a mile radius. You're lucky I broke your fall." Taehyung says with a smile.

"Thanks Tae." I say and his eyes widen and his jaw drops.

"Did you just call me 'Tae'?" Taehyung asks.

"Yeah." I say with a nervous smile.

"Man, I love you." He says, engulfing me in a warm hug. It takes me a second, but I melt into his embrace with a smile.

"I meant that as, like, a friend." Taehyung says, holding my shoulders at arm's length.

"I figured." I smile.

Dangerous Angel || Taehyung {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now