Similarities and Differences

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She rushed around the room, grabbing a hair bobble to put her unruly hair into a bun, and throwing on yesterday's clothes. She ran like the wind through the streets, onto campus and into the building. She arrived just as the clock stuck nine and breathed a sigh of relief, panting and sweating profusely but she had made it. She silently congratulated herself.

Time moved slowly. Images from her dream kept invading her mind and she couldn't bring herself to look Professor Solo in the eye. To make matters worse he kept calling on her and the questions seemed particularly tricky. She figured he has decided it was pick on tardy Rey day. Luckily she knew the material well and he seemed satisfied with each of her quick responses.

While she was packing up her things, he called her over and her heart went into overdrive. She tried not to look at his desk.

'Rey I'm afraid your last essay wasn't up to your usual standard, 42% is barely scraping a pass.'

'But it's still a pass.' Rey suggested optimistically.

Professor Solo raised an eyebrow at her,
'Your capable of so much more Rey.' His compliment touched her but then he ruined it by continuing,
'Perhaps it's the company you keep? Are they perhaps leading you astray? Finn and Poe are hardly the scholarly types, just coasting by on football scholarships I hear.' He said with distain.

Rey's mouth fell open, how did he know who her friends were? And why was it any of his business who she hung out with? She bristled,
'Perhaps my grade is the result of your substandard teaching Sir?' She suggested.

What are you doing? Her mind screamed at her, but she couldn't stop the words from coming out of her mouth,
'Perhaps you should first examine your own teaching methods and question why you are failing your students before you start pointing fingers at my friends, Sir.'

His eyes flashed at her, he was livid. It should have scared her but instead she felt the same arousal running through her body as she had when she was dreaming. Equal parts of bravado and insanity seemed to have invaded her mind.

'You forget your place Rey,' he warned stepping closer to her. She could smell his aftershave now, a rich blend of exotic spices. She swayed a little. Why did he have this effect on her! She tried to focus, she has to get a handle on this crush before she got into serious trouble! She rubbed her temples.

'Are you alright Rey?' He looked concerned. The change in his demeanour was endearing and cooled her temper.

'Sorry Sir, I don't know what came over me. I'll study harder. It won't happen again.'
She mumbled as she flushed from head to toe.

'See that you do.' He frowned at her and then his expression softened,
'I really mean it when I say you are capable of more Rey, you remind me of myself when I was a student.'

Rey smiled, 'Thank you Sir.'

They looked at each other for a few moments. His eyes really were so beautiful......shit. I'm in over my head here.... Rey thought. 

Then he cleared his throat and looked away,
'Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Rey.'
Was it just her imagination, or had his voice fluctuated slightly when he said her name? Seriously Rey? Get over yourself!

'Yes tomorrow, goodbye sir.'
She left the room, and put her back to the wall in the corridor.

'Oh my god!' She mouthed to herself putting her hand over her heart.

What the hell are you doing? Ben reprimanded himself as he packed up his bag. Get a hold of yourself she's a student for gods sake. Think of your position. It had been little things at first, he had noticed how bright her smile was or how she looked as she pushed a lock of hair behind her ear while reading.

Then he noticed the similarities in her work which reminded him so much of his own. He began to think that she would benefit greatly from some individual tutoring, he had even considered making her his protege and the thought had pleased him greatly, and as suddenly as that he had realised that she was becoming a problem. Rey was filling his thought more frequently, and try as he might, he couldn't shut her out. He had to do something about it and soon.

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