The offer

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Rey's heart hammered in her chest as she packed away her things. She moved slowly to give the lecture theatre time to empty out.

He didn't look at her once.

Perhaps she had imagined his interest in her after all? She turned around to collect her coat.

'Rey you were late again.' He was suddenly beside her and his deep voice washed over her. She suppressed a tremor. Okay, he was going to have to stop saying her name. She couldn't function properly. 

'Rey' really he needed to stop saying her name like that it just wasn't fair, 'let's go to my office to discuss this. The lecture theatre is booked for the next hour.'

His office? She hadn't anticipated being alone with him in his office! In a small enclosed space with the door closed! With a door that locked! Her eyes must have widened because he looked at her inquisitively,
'Is everything alright?'

'Yes fine! No problem.' Why was her voice so squeaky? Oh god.....

'Alright..... follow me.'

They walked in silence to his office. He opened the door to his room and gestured for her to enter.

His office was dark with tall black bookcases filled with texts and a large black desk that sent her imagination into hyperdrive. It was very minimalist apart from the large amount of books.

'Please take a seat.'

She sat in a plush leather chair. She noted the calligraphy set in stark contrast to the sleek modern PC on his desk. Curious, considering the young Professor has been very out spoken about his lack of respect for classical literature in comparison with more modern texts. It was one of the reasons that he fought with Dr Skywalker so frequently.

Ben sat opposite her and saw her eyeing the calligraphy set with an amused expression.

'It was a gift from my mother,' he explained. Why did he feel the need to tell her that? He ruffled through his drawers for invisible papers while he collected himself.

'Rey I really want to talk about why you are not applying yourself? You will graduate come July and you really don't seem to have any understanding of how important this final year is to your overall degree classification.'

'I do! I honestly do! I've only been late a few times and okay my last paper wasn't great but I've been going through some stuff....'

she trailed off.

'Okay, I want to know if you would like me to arrange for you to have some additional help?'

She looked stunned,

'You think I can't handle your class?'

There was a tinge of hurt in her voice. Damn it. He wasn't doing this right. He had been told more than once that his people skills left a lot to be desired.

'No! No it's not that, I just want to make sure that you reach your potential Rey. I told you I see a lot of myself in you. I think you could go far with the right training. I think perhaps a dedicated teacher could bring the best out in you.'

Her face relaxed,

'Okay, If you think it's important. Is there anyone you can recommend?'

The names of several gifted post-grad students were on the tip of his tongue, all he had to do was pick one, but then he pictured her working with someone else, someone else praising her, someone else spending time alone with her, someone else doing the things he wanted to do with her and he cursed himself for being so weak as he heard himself say,

'Actually I was going to suggest that you work with me.'

Rey's mouth fell open. She had to stop herself from pinching her arm to check she wasn't dreaming, had he really just suggested that he wanted to teach her himself? She knew enough of the academic world to know that their time was very precious. This had to be about more than just helping her reach her potential.

Her heart started to race,
'You want to teach me, yourself?'

'I'm between projects right now and I have some free time,'

She narrowed her eyes slightly, and he realised she wasn't buying it. Clever girl. He tried to throw her off balance with another lie,

'I had asked Rose but she said she didn't have the time what with the placement she has managed to secure working with the engineering department. That's one of your friends I approve of by the way. Very ambitious that one.'

Rey looked somewhat disappointed by his admission.

'Yes, I would love to work with you, I mean I would really appreciate that.' Thank you.'

'Okay it's settled, I will be in touch regarding my schedule and my office hours.'
'Okay great,' She got up to leave.

'Rey?, I still want to talk about your inability to attend my classes on time.'

'Oh,' she sat back down with a sheepish look on her face. He tried not to find it incredibly appealing.

He relented,

'Just a verbal warning this time, but next time it will go in your permanent record.'

He was rewarded with a beaming smile,

'Thank You Sir!'

Once she had left, he couldn't help but feel that the room was darker without her in it.

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