Its complicated.....

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Ben was concerned that Dr Skywalker was going to be watching them now. He would have to hide their relationship from him at all costs. If the university discovered them, he would be forced to leave and his reputation would be ruined. Rey was in her twenties, but student/staff relationships were strictly forbidden.

Everything you've worked for Ben, you're risking everything for her. He put his hand to his forehead.

All the reasons they shouldn't be together were painfully clear to him, but he knew it wouldn't keep him away from her. Now that he had had a taste, he craved more.

It killed him to admit it but he needed her. Long estranged from his family, he had few friends at the university owing to his bad reputation and his ongoing conflict with Dr Skywalker. He had led a lonely existence, until the first day he had seen her. She was like sunshine, pure and bright. Every room was brighter with her in it. He started to look forward to seeing her smile everyday, he never worried that it was anything more than admiration until she started to show some signs that she returned his interest and now...... well, now things were way out of hand. He could still smell her perfume on his shirt. He gritted his teeth, sort your head out, he told himself, you have a job to do.

Rey threw herself down onto her bed, and hugged her pillow. He was amazing. Just thinking about him made her body flood with desire. She closed her eyes and pictured him above her holding his weight with his massive arms. Oh how she wanted to see him shirtless. She had felt the curve of his muscles as she had gripped his biceps earlier. He would kiss her deeply and gently nudge her thighs apart, and she would arch toward him, encouraging him on.....

'Rey? Are you sleeping? She opened one eye and saw Finn looking at her with an amused grin.

'What you doing tiny?' He asked.

'Don't you knock? I'm just....resting.'

'Has prof been working you too hard?' He said feigning sympathy.

You have no idea. She thought to herself.

'Something like that. What are you and Poe up to tonight?'

'Pub. You wanna come?'

Rey considered the invite but without the chance of meeting Ben, there wasn't really anything to tempt her.

'No thanks. I'm going to stay here and study.'

Mooning over her secret boyfriend was kinda studying right?

Finn pretended to pout,
'We never see you since you started these extra sessions.'

'I know I'm sorry, Okay I will come for a few hours.'

'Yey! Poe! She's coming!' Finn shouted.

'Woo! Shots! Shots! Shots!' Was the response from the living room.

'I'm regretting this decision already.' Rey said.

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