Secrets and lies

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When Rey woke up she had a blissful moment when her brain didn't remember that her best friend had caught her in a school girl outfit making out with her secret lover, then it all came back to her in a flash and she buried her head under her pillow.

She felt something push the side of the bed down, when she peeped out from under the pillow Finn was sitting on the side of the bed with a cup in his hand,


She smiled at him gratefully.

'I don't think I deserve you Finn.'

Finn smiled back,

'You're right you don't.'

Finn left and Rey checked her phone, no messages. She was sure Ben had said he would contact her in the morning to arrange what time they were meeting. Oh well, maybe he had slept in. She got dress and had breakfast and checked her phone again. Still no message. Brunch came and went. No message. By 11.30, she caved and texted him,

Hey weren't we going to meet today? Did I make a mistake?

After lunch she rang and his phone went straight to voicemail. Now she was worried. Had something happened to him? Was he ignoring her? Was this his way of telling her he had made his decision? Was he just going to ignore her like it never happened?

By 3pm she decided to go for a walk, and if that walk happened to take her past his flat then so be it. Just as she was coming around the corner to the entrance to the apartment block he lived in, two people excited the building, one was Ben looking amazing in a suit she had never seen before and the other person was a stranger to her. A very attractive stranger, with long blonde hair, a figure to die for and legs that seemed to go on forever. They got into a black Sudan, Ben held the door open for her, Rey gritted her teeth, he laughed at something the attractive stranger said, Rey balled her hands into fists, then he touched her back as he helped her into the car and Rey thought that she had never seen a dead man walking before that day.

Rey ran home slammed the front door and screamed.

'What?' Finn asked.

'He's cheating on me with some leggy blonde! I'm going to kill him!'

'What? Are you sure?'

'Pretty sure they looked pretty cosy from what I just witnessed.'

'God Rey I'm so sorry, what a bastard!'

'Hey it's my own fault, right? You told me this would end badly, you warned me and I didn't listen.'

'It's not your fault, its his.'

Rey suddenly felt exhausted,

'I want to be alone for a bit.'

Okay, I'm here if you need me.'

'Thanks Finn.'

Rey went into her room and closed the door, her chest ached and her heart was ready to break, but she wouldn't let it. She held onto her anger. It made her stronger. Yes, anger would see her through this. Anger would keep her from falling apart.

Her phone finally beeped,

Hi, can we talk? I have something to discuss with you.

Rey seethed,

Where have you been all day?

Just at home working, I had a deadline to meet.

Oh, yes, quite an attractive 'deadline' she was too. Rey fumed.

I don't want to talk to you right now.

Rey switched her phone off, tears formed in her eyes and she tried to will her heart to stop bleeding internally.

Ben tried to contact her for a week but she ignored him. She didn't show up to classes or even to work with Dr Skywalker. He was desperate to know what he had done wrong. The stress was showing in his work and his whiskey supply was dangerously low. He went to her house and Finn answered,

'She doesn't want to see you.'

He said coldly.

'Please Finn, I just need to talk to her. I don't understand what went wrong......'

'You. That's what went wrong. You. You don't know what its like watching her suffer like this, she barely eats.'

Bens heart broke, 'Let me see her, I need to make whatever this is right.'

'Get out of here before I do something I regret. Go back to her.'


'You know perfectly well who I mean, the leggy blonde, the one you cheated on Rey with?'

'She saw me with Sabrina?'


Ben sighed in relief,

'Finn, I can fix this, what she thinks she saw, it wasn't like that. I just need to explain....'

'You would say that though wouldn't you Ben? Try to convince her it was all innocent, worm your way back into her heart. Well forget it. You aint getting through me.'

Ben thought about pushing past Finn but decided it would only make matters worse.

'I'm coming back.' He warned.

'I'll be waiting.' Finn shouted back.

'Who was that?' Rey emerged from her bedroom wrapped in a blanket with red ringed eyes.

'No one, door to door sales, I told him to do one. Come on let's get you back to bed.'

Finn put an arm around her shoulders and guided her back to her room.

'I really don't deserve you Finn.' She said as she lay down on the pillow and closed her eyes.

'I know Rey. I know.'

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