Chapter 16!

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"You want to talk about my abilities?" I asked. Why would they ask about something like that?

"Yeah! You're abilities are a little bit more than... intriguing to say the least." The boy's statement threw me off.

How much does he know? Or is he honestly just interested in them?

"Intriguing? In what way? I know that they're abnormal abilities, but there's nothing too special about them. It's not time control." I searched my brain for words to convince him. I don't want anyone to take interest in my abilities.

Why are these two so interested in me?

The boy just smiled and looked at me. I scanned him and the girl beside him. They had opposite hair colours, and their eyes were abnormally coloured. The boy had blue eyes, while the girl's were red. They both had a strange emblem in one eye shaped like triangle made out of three circles, and it had a crooked Y shape stemming from the middle of it. Both of them were wearing outfits that definitely were not the school uniform. They both appeared to have come from a wealthy family. The boy was wearing a white coat, made out of expensive cloth. The coat was similar to a dress coat, although the buttons appeared to be replaced by refined gems, and the wrists and cuff were lined with intricate patterns. The girl was wearing a frilly dress that was black, and had similar patterns and gems on it.

I looked back up and saw the boy waiting for me to snap back to attention.

"My name is Baeln," the boy said, and then pointed to the girl beside him. "The girl here is my sister, Namine." He introduced both himself and his sister.

But why are you guys interested in my magic?

"Agapi." I said, carefully watching the two.

"We know. We still want to talk about your abilities. They really do mean something to us." The girl spoke for the first time. She was not imposing with how she spoke, and her tone almost seemed concerned.

Baeln shot Namine a cold glance, as if she had said too much.

"Why are you interested in my magic?" No longer able to hold it in, I blurted out the question in my head.

"It's not your magic that we're interested in exactly. We're interested in the fact that you seem to genuinely think it's special." Baeln said this quite slowly, choosing his words carefully.

Now they've lost me.

"Of course my abilities are unique. It doesn't fall into any magic category other then unique magic." I told them. My abilities aren't commonplace.

"We aren't trying to say that they aren't special, it's just that they aren't unique." Namine said this almost sympathetically.

"Why do you think that?" I asked, doubts in my head from before slightly vanishing.

Baeln seemed satisfied with my newfound interest in what they had to say, and slowly lifted his arm up until it was parallel with the ground.


Light began to swirl around Baeln's palm, and slowly took form. The form became consistent with very little wavering, and almost appeared to be like a solid object.

My mouth dropped. In from of me was a sword. One that was seemingly made out of light. It looked exactly like my magic.

Someone can use the exact same magic as me? How?

"This is what you used to cancel out Axel's magic, isn't it?" Baeln asked rhetorically.

"Who are you?" My voice dropped and was barely audible.

Namine frowned, and her fingers went to her chin. She appeared to be deep in thought. After a short period of time her arm went down and she looked directly at me.

"You don't know anything, do you?" She spoke as if she was stating a fact rather then asking a question.

"What?" I asked, becoming more confused than I already was.

"About yourself. You don't know anything about yourself. From what just happened I think that we properly know more about you then you do." Namine told me.

Know more about me then I do? That's impossible.

"Hey, Agapi!" We were interrupted by a sound at the door.

I turned around to see Lilith looking at me with an expectant look on her face.

"Are you coming? We're going to be late for our next class!" She glared at me while saying this.

Crap! I forgot about my other courses!

I turned to face Namine and Baeln again, only to see them walking past me towards the door. Namine stopped beside me and whispered into my ear.

"Come see us later. We can talk then."

She slipped a peace of paper into my coat pocket and ran to catch up to Baeln, who was busy apologizing to Lilith for holding me up.

The pair walked out of the class, and I joined Lilith, heading towards our next class.

* * * * *

What could they have meant? That they know more about me then I do?

I was sitting on my bed in my room. Classes had finally ended for the day. Questions with answers impossible to find began to flood my head. Who were they? What did they want? Why can they use my magic? All impossible to answer.

Should I trust them, and visit? Or should I avoid them?

I could at least tell that they were dangerous. There's far to little about them that I know. Also, if they know more about me then I do, wouldn't that mean that they know I'm a Vampire? If that's the case, then being around them is dangerous.

But if they do know I'm a Vampire, why haven't they reported me yet?

This was the only thing that I really bothered looking for an answer for. Why wouldn't they report me? After all, there's a reward out for Vampires in locations like this. Vampires are deemed unfit and dangerous inside schools and public buildings.


That isn't what they know about me? Maybe they know about something even more personal, even more strange. They might know that I'm from another world, something I'm lacking answers for. Would they be able to explain it to me? At the very least, I should try to find out what they know about me.

Deciding to go and visit them, I stood up. I pulled the card out of my pocket that Namine had given me. On it a number was written. Eight hundred and thirty-one.

So they're on floor two.

I quickly threw on my coat and began heading towards their dorm. I slammed my door behind me.

They've offered me answers. Something I need. I have no intention to decline them.

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