Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
No, I do not,
Love you too.You're a waste of my time,
You're really unfit,
Your rotting corpse,
Belongs in a pit.(What I will say if some idiot ever asks me out.)
Roses are Red Poems
ПоэзияRoses are red, Violets are blue, If you don't read my book, I WILL FIND YOU. Unlike most roses are red books on Wattpad, my book contains over 100 COMPLETELY ORIGINAL poems. Enjoy!
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
No, I do not,
Love you too.You're a waste of my time,
You're really unfit,
Your rotting corpse,
Belongs in a pit.(What I will say if some idiot ever asks me out.)