Chapter Two

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Two hybrids were peacefully sleeping when a bowl of food was shoved in the room. "Eat." The person said and slammed the door shut. The two hybrids stood up from their matress and started eating. The two live in an adoption center. It's not the best way of living, but it's better than being owned. In the adoption center, you get enough to eat, you get clean clothes, you get to shower. You just have the basic needs. Once a day, you're allowed to go outside for half an hour. For the rest of the day you're locked in the room with, if you're lucky, your roommate. Life is hard as a hybrid, but it can always be worse. The two hybrid sometimes wished to be a normal human. Then they wouldn't have to be scared of everyone around them. Then they wouldn't have to be scared to end up with people who will hurt them. The door opened again. "You have half an hour to go outside." The human said. Immediatly the two jumped up and ran outside. The two began to chase eachother and smiled happily. This was their favorite time of the day. Playing outside. When they had enough of chasing eachother they laid down in the grass. ''Hey Taehyung?'' One of the two asked, the other hummed in response. ''Do you think we'll ever get away from here?'' The hybrid just shrugged and stared up to the sky. ''Maybe. I don't know Hoseok. If we get away from here, I hope it's because we ran away and not because we got adopted.'' Hoseok silently agreed. The two kept laying on the grass till they got dragged back inside. They passed the reception and there were two women standing. ''Uhm. Yes my hybrids ran away and I would like to adopt a new hybrid.'' One of the women said in a high pitch tone. ''What kind of hybrid would you like to adopt.'' The woman looked around and her gaze fell on Taehyung and Hoseok. ''I would like to adopt that one.'' She said pointing at the two hybrids who were guided back to their room. ''Which one of the two.'' The woman walked up the two and it resulted in Taehyung growling at her. He didn't like the woman one bit. She was acting way to fake for his liking. ''This brown haired one.'' A snarl escaped his lips. He hated it when people talked about him like he was some stupid object. ''Would you like to adopt another one or just the tiger?'' The woman at the desk asked. The two women exchanged looks and shrugged. ''Nah, this is fine.'' Taehyung felt his heart sink. He didn't like the women and he really didn't want to get adopted by them. ''We will make him ready for you. You can come back tomorrow to come get him, but you have to sign these papers first.'' Another snarl left his lips. He wasn't going to leave his best friend alone. The two tried to get closer, but the guards wouldn't let them. The two were being dragged away from eachother. ''Hobi!'' ''Tae!'' The two yelled at the same time. The three women looked at the situation like it was a normal thing. ''So where were we?'' The woman at the desk asked.

Taehyung has been in a small room ever since the two were parted. He was getting cleaned, he got new clothes and some medicine to make sure he was healthy before he went to his new 'home'. He absolutely hated the fact that he probably wouldn't see his best friend anymore. It hurt him. The door opened slightly and a nervous girl walked into the room. It was clear to se it was her first day here. Taehyung decided to tease the girl a little. His tail started to sway wildly and a low growl erupted from his throat. The girl shrieked ad started shaking. ''I-I'm not h-here to hurt y-you.'' She stammered. Taehyung just shook his head and let himself fall onto the small bed with a sigh. The girl visibly relaxed and looked at him with a curiosity. ''Whats wrong?'' Her voice sounding a bit unsure. The hybrid just shrugged. He didn't feel like talking and especially not with a human. ''You don't want to go, do you?'' The hybrid shook his head. ''I know what kind of horrible things most humans do to their hybrids. I swear I'm not one of them.'' Taehyung now frowned. ''Then why are you working here? Only people who don't care about hybrids work here.'' The girl smiled shyly. ''I work here so I can help the hybrids out of here. And that's exactly why I came here. I'll give you a chance to get out of here.'' His head shot up and he looked at her with big and hopeful eyes. ''It's my first day and I may seem unsure about my actions, but I know the exits and where the places with the guards are.'' She giggled when the hybrid just gave her a confused look. ''I did some research a few weeks before I started and everyone who works here gets the information about the guards.'' The girl gave Taehyung some food and was about to leave the room, but the hybrid stopped her. ''Can we get my friend out of here too?'' He asked. ''You mean the red panda?'' He nodded. ''Sure.'' A boxy smile made its way on Taehyung's face and he whispered a small thanks before he let the girl leave. ''I'll be back here around midnight with your friend and then you guys can escape.''

The clock struck midnight and Taehyung was nervous as hell. He was scared that things would go wrong. A soft knock on his door made him jump. ''It's me.'' The soft voice of the girl said. ''Tae?'' A soft and scared voice said. Immediatly he swung the door open and hugged his best friend. ''Hobi, let' get out of here.'' The two smiled at eachother. Hopefully they would escape succesfully. ''We have to hurry. There is not much time left before the guards do their rounds and if they find us, we'll have a big problem.'' She looked behind her and started walking. ''Follow me.'' She whispered and the two boys obeyed. Ready to go to their freedom. Everything went smooth until they arrived at the very last door. ''Hey you!'' A voice shouted. The three froze in their movements. ''The hybrids should be in their rooms, newbie.'' A guard walked up to them and shook his head. ''Couldn't resist their puppy eyes? Every newbie has that problem.'' The guard laughed it off. ''But seriously, bring them back to their rooms.'' The girl looked at the two hybrids and made a small movement with her head to the door. They almost didn't notice. It took the two a few seconds before they understood what she meant. A small exchange of looks between the two was enough en they opened the door and started running. Guards started yelling and adrenaline rushed trough their bodies. Gun shots were heard, but the two kept running. They kept running towards their freedom.

Fighting For Our Place - BTS Hybrid AUWhere stories live. Discover now