Chapter Twelve

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Warning! This chapter may contain mentions of violence, abuse, etc.

Each one of them thought back of the past. Each of them damaged by their past, the past that brought them here. To the point where they saw no option but to fight. The pasts were unspoken of, neither of the seven wanting to talk about it. It was not the time, winning this was more important. They barely spoke with eachother, just holding them close as a sign that they were there. Nothing more, nothing less. The days ticked by slowly, all of them becoming more anxious as the day came closer and closer.

Finally the two weeks had passed and many, many hybrids crowded the space of their previous meetings. Many just as beaten up as before, yet they could feel their strength. It was as if everyone lived to this moment, the moment where a few decided to rebel. Too afraid to start, yet so desperately wanting freedom. It was the time where they had reached their breaking point. They were not going to be slaves anymore. The last pieces of preperation were done, as many were anxiously waiting for this to start. Time ticked by and before they knew it was deep into the night. It was silent for a bit until Namjoon spoke up: ''it is time.'' The hybrids divided themselves into multiple smaller groups of at least six people as those words were spoken. They split themselves up all over the city. Silently making their way to that one building that would change it all. The building that housed the government, the building that they were going to destroy. But first, they started off with breaking in places, destroying other buildings. It was complete chaos. The city was a mess, in just a matter of seconds, buildings were burning, absolutely destroyed, humans running out of their houses, sirens going off. Just one big mess. People ran back inside and got their gun, but it didn't slow them down one bit. No one cared, they rather die than stop what they started. Nothing was stopping them, not the humans, not the guns. They were going to fight, no matter what. It was a brutal fight, many hybrids ending onto the ground, sooner or later they would die if they weren't already dead. Fear spread through their bodies, but the adrenaline moved them foreward. The building of their goal appeared closer. Leaving a massive mess and disaster behind, they made their way through all the chaos. It was a wonder everything went so easy, but then again there were more hybrids than they could count for. Even ones who weren't there at first. It was a gruesome fight, bodies dropped to the ground. Humans and hybrids both victims for this fight. Some bodies were damaged to the point where you couldn't tell who it was. Sadness was an emotion they were all too familair with and even now this emotion took posession of them once again. They didn't want people to die like this. but it felt like they didn't have a choice anymore. That this was their last way to save themselves. To save every hybrid. They weren't slaves, why wouldn't they listen? They were also human. They have feelings too. What felt like a matter of seconds, but in reality must have been hours as the sun shone high in the sky, multiple groups of hybrids reached the big building where the government hid themselves. The cowards. They all stared at the entrance, it looked so strong, but also like no one was protecting it. It could be a trap. All the hybrids looked at eachother and a quick nod made them claw at the fence, trying their best to break it down. If it was a trap, so let it be. The group of seven, stayed close together through it all. Holding onto eachother, whispering eachother encouragements. In just a few months, they became so close. They were going into this together and leaving this together. Not one would be left behind again. Time seemed surreal as it passed, making it feel like just a short moment while reality was different. It was weird, almost as if they weren't there in reality, just feeling like they floated through the events that led them to where they are now. It seemed like it was not reality, like it was some weird fucked up dream they had. But they all knew it was all too true. They made it happen. Finally the entrance broke down, immediatly there were all men in uniforms with their gun pointed to the hybrids. ''Stop this nonsense and we can continue to live in peace!'' One of the men yelled, but it didn't result in what they had hoped. The hybrids in front of them started growling, they looked feral. And even if you couldn't see it, they were afraid, completely terrified of this moment. The humans had always feared a resistance of the hybrids, but as time passed that fear disappeared since nothing happened. They knew they couldn't stand a chance, they had the advantage of their guns and all other weapons, but everyone knew, emotions can make someone so much stronger, more dangerous as it lead them through it all, lead them through the pain as determination is settled deep within them. This wouldn't be an easy fight and they could only hope and try to win. As more hybrids came running towards them, they did the thing they were trained to do. ''Fire!'' Bullets flew right past them, hybrids fell to the ground. It was a bloody sight. Traumatising to say the least. The hybrids eventually won this part of the fight, humans on the ground, throat ripped out, heart ripped out and what not. You almost couldn't tell they were humans.

And so they made their way into that one building that made them so angry. They entered the white hall and it caught them by surprise. There was no one. Absolutely no one. Almost as if it was abandoned. In shock they turned around as the doors closed and locked behind them. Hybrids crawled together, holding eachother close. And then they heard the voice. ''It didn't have to be this way.'' As the sound of a small button being pressed was heard, followed by a loud explosion and everything turned black.

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