Chapter Four

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The three hybrids ran and ran. They pushed their bodies to the max. Dog barks were heard in the distance. The hybrids were already exhausted. They haven't been outside for years. They've been beaten for years. What do you expect? A hybrid is normally faster than a human, but in their case, their bodies are so weak that they have the same speed as a human.  The three started to have trouble breathing. They weren't used to this. They were going to die. Possible ways to die crossed their minds. They weren't afraid of dying and they never would be scared of it. Suddenly an idea popped up in Jimin's head. ''Trees.'' He said wheezing. Neither Jungkook nor Jin understood what he meant. The cat hybrid stopped running to climb into one of the closest trees. With all his energy left in his body, he climbed to branch that seemed strong enough to hold him. ''Guys!'' He said, still wheezing. The two turned their head and they saw Jimin sitting in a tree. They looked at eachother and also climbed into a tree. Or at least tried to. Jungkook was too weak to climb. Silent tears rolled down his cheeks as he tried to climb. He wasn't going to give up now. He didn't mind dying, but he didn't want to leave his friends behind. ''I can't.'' He said while hitting the tree with a weak punch. ''I'm too weak.'' He shook his head. ''Kookie, come here.'' Jimin said. The younger listened and stood now by the tree where Jimin was sitting. ''Grab my hand.'' The kitten said. Jungkook looked a bit unsure. There was no way Jimin could help him get into the tree. The sound of dogs growling and barking became closer. Wthout giving it much more thought, he grabbed the elders hand and the cat tried to lift the younger up. The dogs came into eyesight. The youngest two tried so hard to be faster than the dogs, but it didn't work. One of the dogs jumped onto the little bunny, making him fall to the ground and let go of the elders hand. He yelled when the dogs started attacking him. He felt the teeth and claws from the dogs, but he didn't feel anything. Is this the feeling of dying? He thought. His screams stopped and he felt himself getting lightheaded. Screams were heard from far away. Black spots appeared in his vision. Everything else became blurry. The other two hybrids jumped from their hiding spots to protect their friend. Jimin let out a low scowl and Jin let out a low growl. The dogs looked at them and ran to them, The two didn't move, but when the dogs came close enough, they scratched them with their nails, but it was enough for the dogs to go down. The dogs ran away, leaving the three hybrids on their own again. And hopefully it would stay like that. The fox and cat hybrid ran to their friend on the ground. Blood leaving the wounds in a fast pace. ''Don't die!'' Jimin yelled at Jungkook when he saw that his breathing became slower. Tears brimmed in his eyes. ''Don't you dare to close your eyes!'' Jin yelled at the youngest. Jungkook blinked a couple of times, trying to get his vision clear again. But the black dots were still there and his vision also stayed blurry. He could hear the faint voices of his friends, but he couldn't understand what they were saying. The two hybrids started to freak out because their best friend was about to die. Jimin started to sob and Jin tried to calm the younger, while tears were also about to stream down his face. He suddenly let go of the younger and ripped the old, baggy shirt from the youngest and started to bind it around the wounds to stop it from bleeding. ''We have to find someplace where we can treat his wounds.'' Jin said in a soft tone. Jimin nodded and wiped his tears away. The two stood up and the eldest carried, the now unconscious, Jungkook on his back. He knew that he wasn't able to carry Jungkook for a long time, because of his weak state, but at least he tried. The cat and the fox hybrid started their way to the unknown, Hoping for a better life and hoping for their best friend to stay with them a little longer.

The hybrids were exhausted. They changed turns to carry the youngest. Their muscles are burning with an intense passion. Everything hurts, they're tired and they're hungry but they had to keep going. For their safety, for the health of the bunny. ''Jin, I can't anymore.'' Jimin said panting. He was ready to drop himself onto the ground and sleep there for the rest of his life. ''I know, but we have to. For Jungkook.'' The elder said also panting. They kept walking for another couple of hours while their bodies protested. If you would come across them, you could say that they looked like a walking corpse. ''Jin.'' Jimin said in a soft and exhausted voice. Jin just hummed, too tired to give an answer. ''Look a house.'' He said. Jin's head shot up and his eyes went big when he saw the abandoned house. ''We can stay there.'' The two let out a relieved sigh. Finally they could rest. Jimin was about to open the door when it swung open. A purple-haired guy looked at them with an angry face. He growled baring his teeth and with his black, wolf ears  flat on his head. The two gulped scared and hold eachother tightly. ''Go away!'' He yelled. Jimin felt like crying. He didn't want to walk again. He wanted to rest, was that too much to ask. ''Please.'' His voice broke. ''Please, let us stay.'' A lonely tear escaped the corner of his eye. ''Our best friend is hurt and we're exhausted. Can we please stay here?'' The purple-haired guy looked at him with sorrow filled eyes. He nodded slowly and stiffly. He still didn't trust them, but they didn't seem like dangerous hybrids. He walked inside and the other two followed. Jin struggled to walk inside, because his body couldn't hold Jungkook anymore. He nearly fell to the floor, when two arms caught him. A blush crept onto his face. ''Careful.'' The purple-haired guy said. ''I'll take care for him.'' He said and picked up the still unconscious Jungkook. ''My name is Namjoon, by the way.''
''Jin.'' Jin said in a soft tone. ''Well Jin, go to that room. Your other friend is also there.'' Jin nodded and walked to the room. He saw Jimin having a staring contest with a mint-haired guy. The two hissed and both their tails were fluffed. ''Calm down you two.'' Jin said. The two guys looked at him with an expressionless face. Jimin looked ready to pound onto the mint-haired guy, so Jin grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. ''This is my territory.'' The mint-haired guy hissed. ''Go away.'' Jimin shook his head violently. ''No. I don't care that his is your territory.'' The two hissed again. ''Calm down. You, it might be your territory, but we need a place to stay. So shut up, we aren't here to fight or steal territories. And Jimin, this isn't like you so calm down.'' The two cat hybrids huffed and dropped themselves onto the floor. Jin let out an annoyed sigh and dropped himself between the two. Jimin immediatly cuddled against him. "My name is Jin and this is Jimin. What's your name?" He politely asked, hoping to reduce the tension. "Yoongi." The cat hybrid answered. Suddenly soft snores were heard from Jimin. Jin smiled at the youngers cuteness and pulled him closer. His eyelids started to feel heavy and soon he was asleep. Away from the worry, away from the cruel word. Just the peace of a dreamless sleep.

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