Chapter Eleven

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Warning! This chapter may contain mentions of abuse, violence, etc

Again, they dropped him off at the shelter. He wasn't surprised anymore when they brought him back they always did. It hurt  him that no one wanted him, but he was better off at the shelter at least they somewhat cared for him. There were no extreme beatings for disobeying. He used to live on the street. Fighting for his food and survival, that was until some people from the shelter picked him up from the streets, throwing him in a van and then putting him in the shelter. It was different from the streets, but was it really better? Ever since he got into the shelter, people have adopted him and put him back. He was probably nothing like a tiger they expected him to be. He was useless, weak and extremely submissive to the humans. He couldn't help it, it was what they learned him to be. Obey and you'll be save, act out and get beat. It was an easy choice. How he longed to be outside again, to feel the cold air surrounding him. Maybe the street was a better place than this shelter, but at least he had food here. He was rather lonely though, he had no one to talk to. Most were locked in cages with 2 till 4 hybrids, but as long as he could remember he had no one. No one on the streets and no one in the shelter. Was it too much to ask to have someone? Someone to share his pain with, someone to talk to. It would make life so much better. He wouldn't have to suffer through his beating alone, he wouldn't have to carry his burden all by himself. Was he too selfish to ask for a friend? After all he was a hybrid, classified dangerous. No one would want to be his friend, he has been alone from the beginning and that is how he will end. Taehyung the tiger hybrid, all by himself now and forever.

Fear spiked his body as he ran. They were going to catch him. There was no way he was going to be caught. Not now. He escaped before, he would not be caught. For most of his life he has ran. Ran away from the humans, hiding away from them. He was once an owned hybrid, but they only hurt him. Not ever would he want something like that to be repeated. He rather run. Not one human would own him again. He would rather die. The humans were catching up, he had to do something rather stupid, but prefer that than to be caught. There was a cliff just a little farther away, if he could just make it till then. Something flew past his ears making him gasp in shock. They were trying to shoot him. He was so tired, he wanted to stop, but he was so scared. The cliff came closer and closer, finally in his line of sight. Just a few more steps and he could jump. A sudden pinch in his tigh made the fear spread even more. His line of sight became blurred and then it became dark. That day haunted him, it was the day he was finally caught. The day that they finally locked him up. He was afraid that day, but now fear held him every day. Lonely, locked away in a cage, no windows and no hope of freedom ever again. Days passed and no one wanted him. Who would want him? He was rare, but furthermore useless, maybe as a servant. Why did he still hope? There was no hope for someone like him, a freak of nature. Humans entered his cage, silently discussing what to do with him. He knew it, they were gonna kill him. But what he heard them say next, shocked him and terrified him to the core. They were going to throw him in a cage with a tiger hybrid? One who has always been alone? He rather would have them shoot him or something. This couldn't end well. They made their way towards him and he struggled in their grasp, fighting them with any bit of energy he had left. That was until they injected him with something that made his body relax and they dragged him away. He felt numb, it was like he was there, yet he wasn't. Floating through the halls. As they came to a sudden halt, he heard them open a door and suddenly he hit the floor. This was it then, this would be the end. There would no Hoseok anymore. The tiger was going to kill him. But nothing happened, instead he heard a very soft, timid voice ask him a question: ''are you okay?''

It was a start of a very close friendship. The red panda was afraid of the tiger. When he could finally move again he hid himself in the corner of the room, it was not much space, but it was at least something. The tiger's eyes becoming rather sad and a deep sigh left the hybrid. It took Hoseok a while before he realised the tiger was not at all dangerous. He was rather friendly. Finally gaining a bit of courage before actually talking to him. Hope shone in the other's eyes brightly, in the end he had someone to talk to. They shared stories with eachother, from when they lived on the streets, stories that didn't quite talk about the abuse, neither of them fully ready to talk about it. As time passed and neither of them were getting adopted, the two grew closer and closer. Always holding eachother close, just hugging as time slowly passed. It was not until one of them recieved a severe beating at the shelter that the more darker stories were talked about. Bringing the two hybrids closer than they were. They were not going to leave without the other. They finally had someone to talk to, to be there for them. It made live just a bit easier and they were not going to let it go. Together or not at all. They were going to fight to be together. The odd pair of friends, they did not belong, but they had eachother.

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