Chapter Five

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The two hybrids were panting. They were tired of running. One of the two dropped himself on the grass. ''Do you think we're far enough away from them.'' The other just shrugged. Suddenly his face twisted in pain. The hybrid on the ground shot up. ''Tae! Are you alright?!'' Worry was seen on his face. The younger shook his head. Pain shooting through his leg and he collasped on the ground. Panic settled inside of Hoseok. He bend down next to Taehyung. Looking for any place he could be hurt. The wound on his leg taking his attention. It was clear that he was shot, but there were also cuts from branches around it, making the wound look worse. "We need to find you some medical help." The elder said and picked his friend up. Carrying him in his arms, trying not to hurt his leg even more. "Hobi, it hurts." The younger said with tear stained cheeks. "Don't worry, I will find some help." Taehyung nuzzled his face into Hoseok's neck, whimpering slightly. The elder started to walk in a fast pace. They were in a forest, not must hope to find someone to help them, you could say. And the fact that they're hybrids doesn't help one bit. An old and abandoned house. The elder slightly breathed out in relief, but an uneasy feeling settled inside of him. Suddenly two hybrids stormed out of the house, one growling lowly and the other hissing. Hoseok took a couple of steps back out of fear and fell on his butt, also letting the younger fall, who groaned in response. ''Oh my god Tae! I'm so sorry.'' He just mumbled some incoherent words. The two hybrids came closer to the other two. One was clearly a cat hybrid and the other was a wolf hybrid. Both had black ears and a black tail. ''What are you doing here?'' The wolf hybrid growled. Hoseok gulped audible. ''I-I w-was just l-looking for s-some help f-for my friend.'' He said stuttering. The wolf hybrid groaned. "Come inside, I'll help your friend." The cat hybrid just hissed one more time and walked back inside. Clearly not appreciating the fact of more hybrids being close by. The purple haired male picked Taehyung up. Hoseok huffed, not completely trusting the purple haired guy. The two walked inside. "You can go that way. There are also other hybrids in there." The orange haired male nodded and walked that way. Leaving Taehyung in the hands of the unknown purple haired male. Hoseok saw two people laying on the floor, sleeping and another one hissing at him. "Nice to meet you too." He mumbled in a sarcastic way and rolled his eyes. The mint haired boy wasn't having it and jumped right onto the panda hybrid. The orange haired male pushed him off and sat down like nothing happened. ''Im not in the mood to fight and seeing the bandage on your leg, you should be resting.'' The cat hybrid hissed again, but sat down. Not happy with the fact that the other was right. ''I'm Hoseok by the way.''  The cat hybrid rolled his eyes, curling his tail around his waist. ''Yoongi.'' He said and yawned. The orange haired male chuckled. ''Cute.'' It just earned him an annoyed look from the boy named Yoongi. It didn't take the cat long before he fell asleep, leaving the red panda hybrid the only one awake in the room.

The purple haired male walked into the room, only to see four hybrids sleeping peacefully. He hated that he had to wake them up, but they had to sort things out. He also hoped that there wouldn't arrive more hybrids because he was done treating other people's wounds. They were lucky enough that there were bandages and stuff to treat their wounds. The wolf hybrid sighed and ran a hand trough his hair. They were so gonna yell at him for interrupting their sleep. A low and loud growl eruped from his throat, startling all the sleeping hybrids. The two cats hissed and the fox and panda looked around them with wide eyes full of fear. They all stopped their actions when they realized there was no actual danger. ''Namjoon, what the actual fuck.'' Yoongi said. The purple haired male shrugged and motioned for the others to sit down. ''We need to  discuss something. Because since Yoongi and I found the house yesterday, five other hybrids have found this place. We need to know what you guys want to do, because this is now Yoongi's and I territory.''The fox hybrid seemed to have an inner fight with himself and the panda hybrid seemed to think reallly deep about the option. ''We would want to stay. We have no place to go and we're too weak to go back into the forest and we don't want to end up in the hands of humans again.'' The wolf hybrid nodded and looked Hoseok right into the eyes making him gulp. ''I-I would like to stay too with my friend, w-we have nowhere to go either.'' Namjoon nodded, rubbing his tembles. ''It's fine by me, but you guys need to help find food and help to re-build this house.'' Everyone immediatly nodded. They would love to do something just to have a place to stay. Yoongi didn't seem happy about it, but he didn't have much to say about it anyway. He could understand the others, so he just had to suck it up. ''How's Jungkook?'' The fox hybrid asked, catching the attention of everyone. ''He's doing fine. Still unconsious, but I think he'll make it. And for your friend. he's awake and kept asking where you were. His wounds are fine, but there is still a chance that it is going to be infected and he has to rest his leg for a couple of days just like Yoongi should. I can lead y'all to them.'' The three nodded and Yoongi huffed. ''Follow me.'' The three stood up and followed Namjoon, leaving Yoongi alone in the room. He dropped himself onto the floor again and fell asleep.

''Hobi!'' The tiger hybrid yelled and opened his arms so Hoseok could hug him. The elder did exactly what the younger wanted and took him in a bonecrushing hug. ''Hobi, can't breath.'' He said, making Hoseok chuckled and let go of him. ''Jin?'' A weak voice mumbled, catching the attention of the two best friends. ''Kookie!'' The two friends watched the other three hyrbids hug and cry. ''Well, since everyone, except Yoongi, is here. Let's go eat, I've collected some food yesterday. It's not much, but we have to share. I'll get Yoongi.'' The wolf hybrid left the room and returned not much later with a sleepy Yoongi and a basket filled with food. All seven hybrids were hungry, all of them exhausted from what life brought them and all of them wanted finally peace between humans and hybrids. The seven of them shared the food and talked a little with eachother. That moment became the beginning of their friendship and the adventures that had yet to come.

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