Chapter Eight

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''Let's start a revolution.''

And that is how it started, the seven hybrids in the house became even closer as they worked together on how to make this revolution succeed. They weren't going to sit down anymore and watch how hybrids were tortured, abused or murdered. The thoughts of being cold and hungry didn't matter anymore. They finally found themselves a purpose. It is time for hybrids to stand up and fight for their place. They were trying to find ways to reach other hybrids. Many nights, two of them snuck out of the forest, into the city and trying to reach the abandoned and homeless hybrid. Let them spread the word and reach as many hybrids as possible. It was dangerous to be spotted, they could get captured or just taken home. No one who would care. They had a mission and that was more important than being caught.

And so months passed, more hybrids joined their little rebellion. Every week they came together. Same day, same place. Always in the forest close to their little house. Many hybrids escaped their owner's house for that night, not caring about the beating, this is something worth it. There were a lot of young hybrids too, most of them having seen more than they should have for their age. Plans were made, it wouldn't be long and they were going to get some sort of justice. Nothing would ever justify the abuse and the murders, but they deserved at least some sort of rights. It had been too long, being treated like dirt, like some slave. They wouldn't stand it any longer. Everything was going very smoothly, too smoothly for most of their likings. It was then that they heard the rumors, the humans were suspecting something was happening and that could end up very badly. ''We can't give them time to prepare, we need to start now.'' A lion hybrid said from the crowd, many hybrids agreed to the statement and so did the Original seven who started the idea, only there was one thing that held them back: ''If we start now, we will rush things and that simply can not go good at all.'' Namjoon said.
''Then we start everything and make sure we do it well.'' Another hybrid spoke up.
''And how do you want to do that?'' Yoongi said, slightly irritated at the hybrid.
''We know the plan, we have the things we need. What much more do we need?!'' She screeched loudly, making Yoongi roll his eyes.
''You're right about that, but are you physically ready? Many here have been abused so badly that they can barely get to these meetings,'' Jin spoke in a soft, but loud voice, ''We need to make sure as much of us are somewhat capable of fighting.'' Some mumbling was heard around the hybrids. He had a good point. There was no way of winning if so many of them were barely able to walk. ''I have an idea, we can wait two weeks before the next meeting, making sure everyone get the chance to heal and hopefully making sure that they don't get a beating from their owner.'' More hybrids agreed to this, time to heal a little before finally starting this revolution. Slowly the group became smaller as the hybrids returned to the city, leaving the seven hybrids behind.

The little group slowly made their way to the little house. Eating a little bit, enough to get through another day. ''Are we really going to do this?'' The bunny hybrid asked softly, his ears twitched a little. His elders softly nodded.
''We need to do something, things need to change.'' Hoseok said softly at the youngest. The younger nodded softly, his bunny ears bouncing with him.
"I know, but do we need to do it this way?''
''The humans don't listen. This is the only way they'll listen.'' Jimin said softly, his cat ears softly lowering and voice wavering. He didn't like it one bit, he didn't like violence like this, but how else will people listen? They have been treated like shit for centuries, not one human decided to help them fight for their rights. It was time that they'll get their basic rights. They weren't going to keep silent anymore. It was finally time that they would fight for their rights. The younger sighed and nodded again. If it really was the only way. He wouldn't want to be owned again, he doesn't want other hybrids to suffer the same fate he had. They would win this fight or die trying. ''I'm scared.'' Taehyung said softly, voice wobbling. The red panda hybrid immediatly took the little tiger hybrid in his arms, holding him tightly.
''We all are, Tae.'' Hoseok said and softly stroked the younger's ears, a soft purr leaving his mouth.
''That feels nice.'' He said and immediatly calmed down as the older kept stroking his ears. The group smiled at the two and very subtly, Yoongi moved his hand to the ears of the little bunny, who was watching the two with a hint of jealousy in his eyes. As soon as the elder touched his ears he let out a soft gasp, but immediatly melted in his arms as he began to stroke his ears, The cat hybrid smiled softly at the younger in his arms. It made him feel warm on the inside. Something he hasn't felt in a long time. He couldn't believe he was ever living this dream. Finally he found people who cared about him, people who made him feel loved. Never did he ever expect that this would come true. Jungkook snuggled even closer to the elder who was stroking his ears. Never would he have thought that it felt this good, never did anyone stroke his ears like this, so careful and yet so loving. He felt so happy, happiness he hasn't felt in his whole life. And so everyone of the seven felt happiness in a way they never felt, save in a way that they have never known and most of all loved like they never were. It was a special bond they formed in a time of need, a time of vulnerability and it was something neither of them wanted to lose. It was something they all treasured, some silently and others showed it with their actions. They were a family now and nothing could take that away from them. No matter where they go, they will always be together, in the same place or not. They were their own little pack of misfits and they loved it.

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