Chapter Six

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Assia's POV: (Abusive content)

"What the hell Assia?! What is wrong with you?!" Mom yells, throwing a chair at me, hitting me in the leg. I fall down. "Get up you stupid girl."


"Did I say speak? No." She grabs me by my hair and throws me into a wall, possibly breaking a rib, because it hurts to breath now.

"D-daddy. Whyyy?" I scream out.

"Shut up cunt! He isn't here, if he was I wouldn't be having to deal with you. I wish you were in that car too, so you would have died too!" She kicks my face, busting my lip and breaking my nose again.

"Ahhhh!" I hold my nose and she pulls me by my hair and makes me look her in the eye.

"You are NEVER gonna see your little homo bitch again." Last thing I remember is her fist hitting my face, then I black out.

(Abuse part done)

Megan's POV:

The next morning I call Assia, straight to voicemail. I leave a message saying I miss her and I can't wait to see you at school, and hang up. I get dressed in a pair of skinny jeans, a white tank-top, and my white, low-top, Converse. I brush my hair and put it in a messy bun. I go to the bathroom and add a small amount of nude makeup, then go back to my room, grabbing my SKILLET zip-up jacket and my bag. I grab my phone off the charger and head out to school.

(At the end of the day)

Assia didn't come to school today. And I called her ten times, each time leaving message. I finally decide to find out where she lives.

*Ring ring* "Hello?" answers my hacker friend.

"Hey beautiful. I need you to do me a favor?"

"What is the name?" I hear her typing on her computer.

"Assia Smith."

"Hold please." She hangs up.

I wait for about five minutes and then she finally calls back.

"Good news or bad?" She asks.

"Send me a copy of what you found. I will just read it."

"Yes ma'am." As soon as she hangs up I get a email.

I open the computer, and check out what she sent me.

Smith, Assia

Age: 16
Middle name: Rose
Parents/Guardians: Sharen Smith (Robin), and Edward Smith
Lives with: Mother in Portland, Oregon, and now is moving out.
No further information available.

Smith, Sharen

Age: 45
Middle name: Lee
Parents/Guardians: (NO LONGER ALIVE)
Lives with: Daughter in Portland, Oregon, and
now is moving out. 

No further information available.

Smith, Edward


I reread it. Moving, leaving. What? Why was I not informed? No goodbye? Wait, her mom found out about me, and... Shit! I call my friend back. "Hey, one more favor? Please Julie?"

"Ugh what?"

"What was her last known address?"

"I'll text it to you. You need a ride there?"


"Be there in ten." She hangs up and I change into new clothes. Some black joggers, a gray tank-top and some gray Nike Pros. I grab my black zip-up jacket and my phone and jog downstairs. I write a quick note for my mom and put it on the fridge, saying I'm with a friend for a sleep over.

I wait on my porch and about five minutes later, Julie pulls up.

I hop in and notice her older brother in the back seat. "Uh."

"He knows the house we are looking for, he can help."

"Okay. Hurry."

It took twenty minutes for us to find the house, even with her brother's 'help'.

I jump out and hide in a tree, waiting. Julie parks the car down the road, waiting also.

As soon as I see her mom drive away, I quickly get down and go to the back door. Locked. I get my fake credit card from my pocket and pop the lock. I walk inside and quickly check all the rooms, no Assia. I am about to look for another door when I see it. The rug is pulled back a little bit, showing the trap door beneath it. I quickly pull back the rug and open the door. I cant see anything so I use my phones flash light and shine it down the hole. There is a short ladder that I climb down and then I see her. Assia with blood on her lips and arms. And a cut running from her left knee to her calf, poorly wrapped in a torn piece of shirt.

Assia curls away in fear.

"Hey baby. Its me, Megan. Come on we have to hurry." I help her up and we climb the ladder. Then I hear it. The sound of a car pulling in the drive way. I dont bother looking, I pick up Assia and quickly run out the back door. I run to the forest behind her house and call Julie.

"Yes?" Julie answers.

"I got her. Pick me up at the other corner, I'll be there soon." I hang up and pick up Assia again.


"Shh, I'm sorry but shh shh." I say quietly.

She nods her head and I quickly start walking to the corner of the street.

When we get there Julie is waiting. We get in and head to the nearest hospital. "Please hurry Julie." I say.

"I am baby I am."

"Hey James, gimme your shirt." I say to Julie's brother.

He quickly takes it off and hands it to me. I quickly wrap it above Assia's knee and tie it tight. "Stay awake baby. Common."

Assia puts a pale hand on my face. "You are so beautiful." She looks sad. "I am gonna miss it. Being able to hold you and kiss you."

"You can right now. Do not give up please."

"I love you."

We pull into the ER pull through.

"Stay with me baby. I love you too. I need you to stay strong for me."

We get her on a gurney and we start running along with all the doctors.

Two guards stop us. "Ma'am you can't go back there. Im sorry."

"But she needs me!" I scream.

"She needs you to be strong so please, sit down and when you can go see her, you may." The other guard says.

I sit down.

This is gonna be a long night.

Heyyyy loves! Sorry for the cliff hanger!! Hope you liked this chapter. If so click the start!! If not dont lol 😂😂

Love, Adri

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