Chapter One

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Chapter One: The New Brunette

Megan's POV

"Hunny! Hurry up your gonna be late on your first day of school!" My mom yells up the stairs.

"Coming mom!" I quickly brush my hair and put it in a messy bun. Today I am wearing my black skinny jeans, my light gray tank-top, and my black combat boots. I grab my phone, bag, and black, Avenge Seven Fold, pull-over jacket, and run downstairs.

Mom tosses me a small plastic bag with some munchies in it and I stuff it in my bag. "Bye mom!" I kiss her cheek and run out the door and to my bus stop. The bus was just pulling up when I get there.

I get on and sit in the front seat. I decide to take a nap. So I do and fall asleep.


"Hey Megan, time to get off." My bus driver says.

I look up and see that I'm the last one. "Sorry." I grab my stuff and head to the office.

"Any new people?" I ask as a way of greeting as I walk into the office.

"A girl. She won't say her name." Says Josh from the counter.

I laugh. "Maybe because you look like a perv? Or maybe you stared too long? I'll talk to her."

"Hey she is so good looking! Don't blame me for staring!"

"Aye! Call my first period." I say to him as I walk down the hall to the room that the girl is waiting in.

I knock on the door and walk in. "Hello. My name is Megan. What's yours?"

"Mine's Why Do You Care?" She glances at me.

"I don't. Figured I be nice, because I have to show you around to your classes." I shrug.

She is really pretty. I think to myself.

"Okay fine. You seem nice. My name is Assia." She gets up and walks to me. "Show me my classes."

"Okay." I grab her schedule and start walking to the first period.

We walk side by side. And every once and a while I will glance at her and study her.

She has brunette hair down to her elbows, she has chocolate colored eyes with gold specks in them. She has a long strong nose with freckles across it, and she has full lips that she keeps biting. She has amazing curves, not to be a perv or whatever, but she does. And because she is wearing a shirt that hugs her torso, I can see that she is fit.

"Are you gonna keep checking me out?" She asks sarcastically.

"U-uh no. I wasn't anyway." I roll my eyes and walk faster. How embarrassing... I mentally face palm my face.

"Soo... why did you decide to show me my classes?" She asks out of the blue.

"Hold on." I open her class door and walk in after her. "Ma'am? This is Assia. She will be in this period. She'll start tomorrow, because she still has to go to her other classes."

Her teacher, Mr. Renaldo, nods. "Okay. Nice to meet you, Assia. See you tomorrow."

"Uh. Same to you?" Assia bites her lip, not even knowing that it's kinda turning me on.

The Brunette and The Blonde (Girl&Girl)Where stories live. Discover now