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Rin whispered still sitting on the bench while Jungkook was leaning against the bridges' railing.

-Ne? He replied since he heard her.

Rin walked over to him and stood beside him. Slightly brushing against his arm.

-You told me nothing about you..
-What do you wanna know?

He curved a smile to Rin.

-Umm.. You seem okay and social. What about your friends?

-Friends? More like hyungs. I have six no seven Hyungs. One of them is my own brother.

He said and turned his head to Rin only to see her face making an awkward expression. More like she saw a ghost. Jungkook waved his hands before her eyes to bring her back to earth.


-Oh my god, How do you even stay with them.

-Anni, they are the best persons I have ever known. They made me begin.


-Mm.. What about you? How many do you have?

-Well, I have a brother of my own..


-  I don't know.
-Tsk, aish you. You won't consider me as a friend would you?

-I don't know.
-Rin ah, I don't know what happened with you but I do know something happened.

She stayed quiet. Not moving an inch. Suddenly a hand squeezed her shoulder. It was Jungkook's.

-Have you ever been in love?
-What? Well maybe ..
-It hurts doesn't it?
-Ne Rin ssi, being hurt is a part of being loved.

-Nope, not those..
-Then? Jungkook already quiet knew the answer but he waited for Rin to spill it out. He really wanted Rin to open up.

-Well, To be specific, Love has broken me 3times and other broke it millions time.

She faked a smile at Jungkook. And then she continued..

-True love never paid me off. Its not like I was okay before, this not being okay impacted on the so called relationships I had. They all cheated. I don't even know if they were tired of me or used me. Jungkoo-k .. I..I


Jungkook didn't look at her but he wrapped himself around her more.

-I'm mental Jungkook. You really shouldn't care about me.

- I just can't leave you like this, not after when you finally opened up..

-I miss him Jungkook..
-I don't know..

Okay things were getting pretty confusing right now.

-Please just call me Bunny.
-You know, when I was all broken and alone, When people started leaving me, I created my own world. Full of creations of my own.

-Wait, why would people leave you?
-Let's just not go there...not yet.

-Okay then..
-I Constantly dreamt about someone. I don't know who he was. I never saw his face. One day, when I was in my world, that person came. I could hear him laugh. He never left me. We talked about everything. Though he never said anything about himself...

-Really? What was his name?
-I don't know. I told you, he existed but I had never seen him..

-Were you happy!?

Rin nodded quickly and and hummed in response.

- Bunny, I even saw him , I mean felt him sleeping with me and watching over me.

-Really? You sure that wasn't your imagination?

-Yeah, I'm sure . I wasnt in my world then. But he came to visit me..
-Is he here? With us?

Rin became quiet for a moment and then sighed.
-I stopped seeing him. I lost my world. I couldn't imagine anymore. When things started to get more hard, I couldn't be with my world. Nor him. He disappeared.. And never came back.

Rin became quiet. She remained silent while Jungkook was processing everything in his head.

*God she has been hallucinating all the time. She didn't even know the difference between reality and dream. I wish she told me more but-

Jungkooks' research inside his head got cut off when Rin freed herself from his grip.

-Now tell me about you..
Rin said with all the curiosity in her voice.
-Me? My love life?

-Anything about you that I don't know..
-Um.. My friends are quiet different from others

-okay I get it -_-

-Rin ah, I don't have to tell you about me specifically. Eventually'll know everything.

A warm smile after the words was visible on his face.

-We should go home. Its getting chilly..
-Have you wore anything under that hoodie of yours?

Before Rin could answer , The boy being pervert lifted up the hoodie halfway up to see.

A kick impacted his stomach and he fell right on his butt.


Rin screamed holding her hoodie down hard and her eyes shut. Instead of sulking Jungkook brusted out laughing. He stood up and brushed off the dusts on his butt. His bunny smile was on all the time. He came closer to Rin but she kept running away.

After a while , these two were found running in the streets. While Rin held her hood down and Jungkook kept laughing. He caught up to to Rin and lifted her up from the behind.

Laughter left Rins' throat as he spinned her around.

They walked themselves to home. Silently and Jungkook admiring the cuteness of the Small figure beside him.

- You laughed today..
-I know..
-And you're smiling now.

-I know ..  Um..we're here.
-Oh? Right..

-ill see you? Oh, are you coming tommorow? I still need to learn the hugging structure.

-Um maybe..
-Okay.. Bye.. Good night.

As Rin was about to walk toward the house door, Jungkook called her back scratching his neck. Rin walked back and stood in front of him.

-Um..I.. Im really happy Rin..

She didn't reply. Her gaze was unable to meet his as she felt the tension building up. Jungkook cleared his throat and and his hands reached up to the sides of Rins' face. He held her cheeks and raised her head. Making her look into his eyes.

-Im so happy that you laughed and smiled today.. And that was because of me. Rin, can you say it once?

-That im you're friend. That you trust me. That we will be together and help each other out?

Rin kept staring into the dough eyes in front of her. Her lips parted. She badly wanted to admit that she trusts him with all her heart. But there wasn't enough courage in her to do so.

Don't do it. You know you will once again hurt yourself. You will suffer. These feelings are not true.
She whispered.
-What was that? Rin..
-Jungkook I.I..
-Tell me Rin...

She shut her eyes hard trying not to let the voice overtake her.

-Hai..Hai.. You are my friend , i trust.. You Jungkook...

Her eyes were still enclosed. Hard. But a soft touch on her forehead eased her. She slowly opened her eyes. Jungkooks' throat was the first thing she saw.

A forehead kiss.

From Jungkook.
To Rin.
A symbol of purity.

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