Chapter Three: Princess?

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(The gif above is what Nefera looks like)

Edited: February 28, 2022

With Katherine riding Storm, she, her brother, Evy, Jonathan and the warden made it to the nearest village in the morning. When they got there, they were more than welcomed there. Rick and Jonathan went to go pay for some camels while the warden went off somewhere and the girls were getting some clothes. Storm was also tended to, he was given food, fresh water and he was cleaned up properly. Evy and Katherine headed for a tent with women in it to find some clothes for themselves. Evy was dressed in a black long sleeve dress, a vale and a see-through beaded scarf covering the lower half of her face. 

When Katherine had walked into the tent, the women were staring at her in awe and shock. She couldn't understand why they were looking at her like that. An older woman approached her with a beautiful outfit in her hands. It was a velvet cropped low shoulder dress. It had gold designs along the edge of the shirt and gold designs along the waistline of the skirt.

 It had gold designs along the edge of the shirt and gold designs along the waistline of the skirt

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"Princess Nefera, please accept this dress" The woman spoke to Katherine in Arabic, luckily she understood what she was saying since Katherine studied Arabic for the past three years along with ancient Egyptian "I hope it meets your satisfaction" she handed the dress to Katherine who took it gratefully. 

"It's beautiful, thank you" Katherine responded in Arabic with a bow of her head.

Katherine went to go change into the dress, but then the younger women in the tent offered to help her with it. She thought it was strange, but she let them nonetheless. The dress surprisingly fit her perfectly well. They had fixed her hair up into a waterfall braid, gave her a matching set of earrings, a gold bracelet, a velvet see-through fringe scarf wrapped around her head and a pair of gold sandals. She thanked the women for helping her, but then the older woman from before came up to her with a little girl who was holding a small crown. It was a beautiful circlet tiara that goes on your forehead. It was a bronze color with a dropping crystal and stunning curl designs. 

"Princess, my granddaughter wishes to give you a gift"  the older woman told Katherine

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"Princess, my granddaughter wishes to give you a gift"  the older woman told Katherine. 

"Princess Nefera, I would like to give you this crown" she held the crown in front of her "May I please put it on you?"

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