Chapter Five: Eyes meet

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Edited February 28, 2022

It was nighttime now, Rick had started a campfire at the camp while Katherine went over to where the horses and camels were. She was checking on Storm and she also needed a little time to herself after she and the others saw the warden die. It was somewhat traumatizing for Katherine, she's never seen anyone kill themselves before and she's never watched someone die in front of her, so it was difficult for her to comprehend.

Katherine had noticed that Storm hasn't been acting like himself ever since they arrived at the city. He's been nervous and on alert which was out of character for Storm, the only time he would be on alert is when there was danger near or something was bothering him.

Storm nickered as he began to move around nervously "Easy boy, easy"Katherine said soothingly as she ran her hand over the side of his neck "It's okay, boy. I'm right here" she petted him gently trying to calm him down.

She then saw Rick walking over to her with his shotgun in hand "Hey, Kathy. How you doing?"

"Other than the fact that I just saw a man die by running into a wall?" Katherine asked rhetorically "I'm good"

"I'm sorry you had to see that, Kathy" Rick said placing a hand on her shoulder "What happened back there at the statue? When you screamed out of the blue?"

Katherine looked at him, not knowing what to say "I don't really know myself, Rick" she answered him looking away "I don't like it here, Rick. It doesn't feel right for me to be here"

"Hey, don't worry" Rick said as he gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze "We'll be outta here before you know it and I'll be here for you. I promise"

Katherine nodded her head "I'm also worried about Storm" she looked at her horse as she had her arms wrapped around his neck.

"Why? What's wrong with him?" Rick asked her.

"Ever since we got here, he hasn't been himself" Katherine answered "He's nervous, agitated and he's always on alert. If you know him, Rick then you know that that's not like him at all"

"I'm sure he'll be fine, Kathy" Rick reassured her "It could be this place, you know. They say it's cursed or something and animals can sense that"

"I know" Katherine said nodding her head "The sooner we leave here the better"

"Agreed" Rick said nodding his head "Why don't you go sit down with Evelyn and Jonathan? I'm gonna go have a little chat with the Americans for a bit"

"Okay" Katherine nodded with a small smile on her face as Rick gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder before he walked off towards the American's camp.

Katherine gave Storm one last pat as she kissed him gently on the side of his face before she headed over to the campfire where Evy and Jonathan were. She sat down next to Evy who had a blanket wrapped around her.

When Katherine sat down next to her, Evy saw her shiver slightly. She opened the blanket up, silently asking her to join her. Katherine smiled her thanks as she inched closer to Evy and she wrapped the blanket around both of them.

"What do you supposed killed him?" Evy asked, breaking the silence.

"Did you ever see him eat?" Jonathan answered, trying to lighten the mood.

"I don't know" Katherine said "Did you see the way he was clawing at his head? It was like... something was in there and he was trying to get it out. Whatever it was, that's probably what made him run into the wall"

Rick then came back over to the camp "Seems our American friends had a little misfortune of their own today" he sat down next to Katherine "Three of the their diggers were... melted"

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