Chapter Eight: The Beginning of the End

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Edited: March 2, 2022

Everyone had all returned to the safety of the fort and were putting their heads together trying to figure out how to stop Imhotep. Evy stated that they at least have to stop him from regenerating and that would be their first step in trying to stop him. The Americans said that it was them and the Eygptologist were the ones who opened the chest, but Beni had ran away from they had opened it.

"We must find the Eygptologist and bring him back to the safety of the fort before the creature can get to him" Evy stated.

"Right. You two stay here, you three come with me" Rick said and everyone began protesting, aside from Katherine who just wanted to be where ever it was safe.

"Just a minute!" Evy yelled "You can't just leave me behind like some of kind of old carpet bag. I mean, who put you in charge?" Rick then walked over to her and threw Evy over his shoulder "O'CONNELL! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" Evy shouted as he carried her into her room and threw her on the bed. Everyone was stunned by this sudden action, even Katherine. She knew that her brother really liked Evy, he was only doing this to keep her safe.

Rick then locked Evy in her room, who was shouting and banging on the door demanding to be let out "Do I need to do the same to you?" Rick asked, looking at Katherine who just put her hands up in mock defense.

"No need to lock me up, Rick" Katherine told him "I'll stay here as long as it's safe"

Rick nodded as he grabbed Daniels by his shirt and pulled him in front of him "This door doesn't open. She doesn't come out and no one goes in. And Kathy stays here, she doesn't leave this room. Right?"

"Right" Daniels agreed without hesitation.

"Right?" Rick asked looking over at Henderson.

"Right" Henderson said with a nod of his head.

Rick then handed Daniels the key to the room as he began to leave "Let's go, Jonathan"

"Oh, I thought I would just stay at the fort and uh, reconnoiter" Jonathan objected, clearly drunk.

"Now!" Rick shouted.

"Right" Jonathan said as he stood right up "We're just going to go rescue the Eygptologist"

A few hours had gone by since Rick and Jonathan left. Evy's banging and protests eventually stopped. The three of them sat around the room, utterly bored. Daniels was sitting on the windowsill looking outside while Henderson sat in a chair looking at his jar. Katherine was also sitting at the table reading a book in order to keep herself occupied.

"The hell with this!" Daniels yelled in frustration, startling Katherine from her reading "I'm going downstairs to get me a drink. Either of you want something?"

"No, thank you" Katherine said as she went back to reading her book.

"Yeah, get me a glass of Bourbon" Henderson told him.

"Right" Daniels answered as he left the room and Henderson got up to close the door.

Henderson then began to twirl his gun around while aiming it at the jar. Katherine glanced at him as he did this "Not bad" she commented.

"Thanks" Henderson said as he put his gun away "You any good with yours or that sword of yours?" he referred to her pistol and saber that she had picked up from her room before they arrived here. She had the sheathe and holster strapped to her hips, even though it wasn't lady-like for a woman to carry weapons around, Katherine didn't care.

"I would say so" Katherine said as she put her book down on the table and stood up "I've been training with the saber since I was four and learning how to shoot since I was twelve"

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