Chapter Nine: The Ritual

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Edited: March 2, 2022

No one knew how much time had passed or how long they were suspended in the sand before suddenly, Beni, Evy and Katherine were thrown from the sand-wind tunnel and landed in the middle of the desert.

"I am seriously considering rethinking my wardrobe!" Katherine coughed as the wind was blowing her dress all over the place.

"Get off me!" Evy yelled as Beni landed on top of her "Get off!"

"I need a new job" Beni muttered to himself.

"Oh, shut up" Katherine grumbled as she fixed her dress and stood up.

Imhotep then reverted back to human form and began to walk past the three of them.

"Oh, my God" Evy whispered when she saw Hamunaptra "We're back..."

"I was hoping I'd never see this place again" Katherine said as she brushed the sand out of her hair.

They then hear the sound of a plane's engine flying above them and it was low enough to see the plane's occupants.

"O'Connell" Evy said with a smile on her face.

Katherine could see two people strapped to the plane's wings and she knew that they were Jonathan and Ardeth. A huge smile spread across her face, knowing that Ardeth and her brother were coming for them.

Imhotep then summoned a huge wall of sand from the land he was facing, which had erupted from the ground. It formed a huge sandstorm as it went after the plane and swallowed the plane whole causing them to fly blind.

"Stop it! You'll kill them!" Evy screamed.

"That's the idea" Beni said as he looked on.

Katherine looked towards him with a look of anger on her face "I am really getting sick of you!" she pushed him to the ground while she and Evy ran over to Imhotep who was concentrating on keeping the sandstorm going.

"Do something!" Katherine told Evy.

"Like what?" Evy asked her.

"I don't know, something" Katherine answered her "Anything that will break his concentration"

Evy then suddenly grabbed Imhotep's face and kissed him full on the lips!

"Not exactly what I had in mind, but it'll do" Katherine said as she watched the scene unfold.

This seemed to have worked because the sandstorm had dissipated and the plane was set free from it. Evy stepped away from Imhotep when she saw that it had worked and smiled happily, but the happiness was short-lived as the plane's engine began to sputter and it soon crashed into the sand.

"I loved the whole sand-wall trick" Beni said as Imhotep walked past him "It was beautiful, bastard"

"Kiss-ass" Katherine said as she and Evy walked by him as well.

They soon entered the tunnels of Hamunaptra while Katherine and Evy walked together in silence, thinking about the others, hoping that they were okay.

"Do you think they'll find us?" Evy asked Katherine, breaking the silence.

"I hope so" Katherine answered with a sigh "If Rick was able to survive out in the desert for days on end with no water and survive in the war, then I think he'll make it through this. Along with the others, I just hope they get here in time"

"As do I" Evy said as they came to a large stone stairs case and they both stood there as Imhotep descended the stairs.

"Keep moving" Beni told them as he pushed the two of them with his gun.

"You know, nasty little fellows such as yourself always get their comeuppance" Evy told him in anger.

Beni scoffed at first "Really? They do?"

"Oh, yes" Katherine told him with a sneer "Always" They then walked away as Beni looked around nervously.

"You think we scared him?" Katherine asked Evy with a small smile on her face.

"I believe so" Evy answered with a small smile of her own.

As they were walking, Evy noticed the two rings around Katherine's neck and became curious "Kathy, may I ask you why you wear those rings around your neck?"

Katherine looked at her and then down at the rings with a sadden expression on her face as she clutched the rings in her hand "They were my parents wedding rings, they're all Rick and I have left of them after they died"

"I'm so sorry" Evy said "I didn't mean to bring anything up for you"

"No, it's okay" Katherine told her "You're just curious, besides it'll help me get my mind off of what's to come"

Evy nodded her head in understanding "How did they die, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I don't mind" Katherine answered her as she took a deep breath "They were killed in a car accident. It was a rainy night and they were driving fast to get home and well..." A lump began to form in Katherine's throat "I was four when they died and Rick was twelve, so obviously he'd remember more about them than me. Since we had no other family at the time, Rick and I were sent to an Orphanage in Cairo. We were there for a year and half before a married couple who actually knew our parents well and were old friends of theirs who had adopted us. They took good care us and gave us all the love they had to offer, but the time we spent in the orphanage was the hardest thing that Rick and I ever faced"

"Why was that?" Evy asked, genuinely curious.

"Well, I was the youngest kid at the orphanage so I was bullied and picked on a lot by some of the older kids" Katherine explained "But Rick was always there for me. He looked after me and made sure I was safe and cared for. He's always been there for me no matter what... he's the only family I have left"

"I'm very sorry, Kathy" Evy told her sympathetically.

"Thanks, Evy" Katherine said to her with a small smile "For listening and for being a good friend"

"Of course, Kathy" Evy said with a small smile as she have Katherine a one armed hug and Katherine returned the hug.

They soon came up to an alter, there were two tables there and Imhotep stood in front of one of them as he began to set everything up for the ritual. He placed the sacred jars along the table as Beni, Katherine and Evy stood off to the side and watched. Suddenly, a gunshot had rung out, echoing through the chamber.



Imhotep then picked up one of the jars and poured some dust in his hand. He turned towards a wall that held two men in an Egyptian pose and he blew the dust at them. He chanted something in Ancient Egyptian and then, the figures on the wall came to life!

"Bembridge Scholars never wrote about this" Evy said as she, Katherine and Beni back away slightly.

"You can say that again" Katherine answered her.

The two figures bowed to Imhotep and he bowed in return "Kill them... and wake the others!" he ordered them before he turned back to the others.

He picked up another jar and pour the dust from it into his hands and blew it in Katherine's and Evy's faces. Katherine coughed as she inhaled the dust as she began to feel dizzy and her vision began to blur. She saw that Evy had already succumbed to the dust and had passed out onto the ground. Katherine then watched as her world turned dark and felt herself land on the ground.

I know that this is shorter than usual, sorry about that, but I want to save the whole big action scene for the next chapter.

Let me here your thoughts please :)

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