Chapter Six: Opening the Coffin

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Edited: March 1, 2022 

A set of guards walked past a golden pillar as they kept a look-out of their surroundings. Behind the pillar and against the wall was Amun and Nefera kissing each other passionately. They have to hide from the guards and the rest of the Medjai when they are alone together. Nefera had her arms wrapped around Amun's neck while Amun's hands held her waist and kept her close to him.

(A/N: This will give you an idea of what Amun looks like. Art does not belong to me)

Nefera then pulled away breathlessly as she looked into Amun's dark eyes "What is it, Nefera?" Amun asked her, also breathless

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Nefera then pulled away breathlessly as she looked into Amun's dark eyes "What is it, Nefera?" Amun asked her, also breathless.

"Don't you think it is dangerous for us to be out in the open like this together?" Nefera asked him "What if we are seen? If my father ever found out about us, he would most likely kill you and I don't want to lose you, Amun"

"I do not care about the risks, Nefera" Amun answered as he cupped her face in his hands "I love you with all of my heart and soul. Being with you is worth the ultimate price, my beautiful desert jewel"

Nefera smiled small at him at his words before he continued "Besides, you will never lose me, my love. No matter what, I will always be with you. I love you so much, Nefera and I always will"

"And I love you more than you will ever know, my brave desert warrior" Nefera planted her lips on his once again for a heated kiss and he returned the kiss.

"Kathy? Wake up"

Katherine felt someone shaking her and she blinked her eyes open to see her older brother "What is it, Rick?" she asked, groggily.

" Evelyn wants to head back down into the tomb to open the coffin" Rick answered.

"What?" Katherine asked, now fully awake as she tore her blankets off her "I told you that it's not a good idea to open that"

"Why?" Rick asked as if it wasn't completely obvious.

"Well, for one thing it's not right to disturb someone else's final resting place" Katherine answered as she stood up in front of her brother "And it's disrespectful, too. Why should we open it?"

"Evelyn said that she's curious to see who's inside it" Rick told her "I tried to talk her out of it this morning, but didn't work"

Katherine remembered something that Ardeth told her last night "What is laid to rest here, let it be"

"I don't think it's a really good idea" Katherine said crossing her arms.

"Try telling that to Evelyn" Rick told her with a roll of his eyes.

Katherine groaned "Fine. Let's just get this over with"

"Oh, I've dreamnt about this since I was a little girl!" Evy said happily as Rick and Jonathan placed the sarcophagus against the wall.

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