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I finished writing the note, and dropped my pencil on the desk. Just looking at the note made me smile. Why? Since I had a friend.

I drove to Luke's house in fuzzy pajama pants, a black tank top, and UGG slippers. My hair wasnt too messy since I pulled it back into a bun. The car stopped outside of his house, and I slapped a piece of tape onto the note. My feet found their way to the front of his house, and I taped the note to the front of his window like I said I would. I was getting cold now, since it was still winter and my arms were bare. Smiling at my work, I heard someone come outside.

"Sup redhead." I heard him say. I turned around. There he was, standing on his front porch in a black sweatshirt and Christmas PJ pants.

"Where'd you get your pants, Santa?" I laughed, walking onto the porch.

"Are you calling me fat?" he giggled, and I raised an eyebrow. Luke just giggled.


Then I laughed right along with him. And he spotted the note on his window. Luke smirked at me, and walked over, swiping it off his window. I leaned on the railing of his porch as he read it, furrowing his eyebrows together.

"Ron Stoppable?" he laughed.

I shrugged. "He was my seven year old crush, I thought I was dating him for a little bit." and then I started laughing with him.

"Oh Ron I looooove you." he said in a shockingly accurate imitation of what he thought I would sound like in second grade.

"That's scary how much it is like me." I chuckled. "But I'm cold." I groaned loudly.

"Aww, wittle baby want my sweatshirt?" he cooed in a baby voice, I raised an eyebrow.

"No I'm going home, you're rude." I laugh. He waved, as I got into my car, and drove away.


I was laying in bed when it happened. Something hit my window. It made me jump, then I got out of bed and opened the window, looking down to see what hit it. On the ground, there was a gray rock with a piece of paper tied to it. Written in black sharpie was, "TO BELLA." I saw Luke running down my street, and heard loud sounds of his laughter. Smiling like an idiot, I grabbed my phone and texted him.

"I saw you, idiot."

I dropped my phone on my pillows, and bounded down the steps to get the next note out of the snow. It was sitting right outside my window in the front of the house. My hands reached into the cold snow, picking up the rock with the note tied to it.

"TO BELLA." I read again, and slowly untied the paper from the rock.
It was tied on with a shoelace. Drawn in black on the rock was a smiley face. I smiled, and carried everything inside.

I opened the bottom drawer of my dresser, and looked at all the notes, his neat handwriting over all of them. It brought another smile to my face. This would be the twelfth note. Also inside was the receipt from the pizza place, and added were the shoelace and the rock, while I opened the new note to read it.


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