Dear Bella,
I want to be with you. But you wouldn't want to be with me.
I'm a terrible person, I have terrible problems and I do terrible things sometimes and I don't want you to experience that.
You have made me happier then I have been in a while. I realize I've lead you on these past two or three months, and I feel like an absolute asshole. I am an asshole. I thought that I could get over what I have been for you but I can't. I do bad things, I smoke, I drink, I'm depressed and you have made me want to get better but I can't. I said no because I care about you.
This is terrible to be writing a letter when I'm talking about this but I don't want to see your face when you read this.
I plan on leaving this town soon. I was going to do it Christmas Break but then I met you and I had a bunch of ideas that we could be together and I could turn around but I can't. You are one of the most perfect people that I've met and I can't live up to that. And I don't want you crashing down and ending up like me.
You see, I get bad grades, I get mixed up with bad people, I do bad things to myself and to my body.
If you'd like to talk to me before I leave just come by in the next two weeks. If you come any later there is a chance that I'll already be gone.
But last;y, I never want you to forget that I love you. I know you never knew that I loved you but Bella Michelle Lea, I never believed in love at first sight before I met you.
Now I do.
A million xoxo's,