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- l u k e

Tonight was the night, Bella said she'd be here by six. It was five thirty, and Ash, Cal, Mikey and I were sitting in Ashton's basement, catching up on most things from our winter breaks.

"So did you meet the girl?" Calum asked me, smirking as he dropped a potato chip into his mouth.

My cheeks must have turned bright red at that comment, because all the boys turned to me and snickered, making comments like, "Ohhh, he's whipped." coming from the loudest one of us-- Michael. "Yes I did meet her, and she's the one that I invited over." I mumbled the last part, looking down as I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

Ashton eyed me, sipping his beer. "You mean to tell me we're meeting this girl tonight." he asked, looking around at the other two boys, who shared the same expression.

"Well yeah, I was hoping you guys wouldn't mi--"

"Did you guys kiss yet?" Michael groaned. Calum slapped him on the back of the head. "Well we were all thinking it!" he yelled defensively.

And then I fell silent. I had kissed her, but afterwards everything went back to normal. But I didn't want it to, I just didn't know how to change things. Girls were confusing to me.

Ashton gasped. "You kissed her didn't you?" he yelled, slamming his can down on the table.

I looked around, toying with my lip ring inbetween my teeth. "Yeah I did." I mumbled.

Michael looked like he was going to have an episode of extreme joy. "LUKEYPOO KISSED A GIRL!" he shrieked.

My face turned bright red. "Is she cute?" Ashton asked. I nodded.

"When will she be here?" Calum asked, and they all turned to me.

"Around six." I said, and Michael turned to the clock. It was around 5:45.

"What does she look like?" he asked.

"Well she's short, red hair, really small. She has freckles, green eyes, nice eyebrows, tiny hands." I shrugged, just listing features off the top of my head. "We still send notes, even though we met." I said, patting my pocket, where I kept one of them.

"dear luke,
yes im calling you luke.

and yes im pretty sure this will be taped to the window of your house.

oh well. you gave me directions to where you live.

your fault.

but i did have a lovely time yesterday. the pizza wasnt greasy. i appreciate that.

write me a letter if you want to reach me.

xoxo bella

p.s. i didnt feel like referencing kim possible even though i love that show long live ron stoppable

p.s.s. we need to hang out again"

It was the one when she started calling him Luke. And it was the one that let him knew that she cared about talking to him, since she drove to his house and taped it to his window in the cold wearing pajamas.

"Does she have a nice butt?" Michael asked me.

I shrugged. "Not bad but, I don't really take notice to that stuff."

"I have Callie." he said, rolling his eyes. I smirked, then we heard a knock from upstairs. "ASHTON GET THERE FIRST GET THE DETAILS." Michael screamed and held me back. Ashton sprinted upstairs.

"Fuckers." I groaned, and reached for my beer. Their talking could be heard from upstairs.

"Hey, you must be Bella."

"Yep, that's me."

"Well I'm Ashton, should we go downstairs? That's where everyone is."

"Yeah." she said, and the floorboards of the steps creaked ever so slightly as Ashton walked down, Bella behind him. He resumed sitting in his regular spot, and Bella sat next to me on the couch.

"Well hi." she said, breaking the silence.

"Since Luke being rude I'll just introduce us." Michael said to her.

"Hey!" I interjected.

Michael started shushing me. "Shut yourself rude-y." he said, and Bella snorted the tiniest bit, and I looked back to see that she was currently holding in laughter. "Well the Asian one is Calum."

"I'm kiwi you racist bitch." Calum said, slapping Michael on the back of the head.

"I keep telling you, kiwi is a fruit." I sighed, then Ashton and Bella laughed slightly.

"And that one is Ashton." he finished. I rolled my eyes.

"Wow I'm that one, live love me." Ashton snickered.

"So what do you guys usually do?"

"Well we usually talk and have the Ball Drop playing all night, but Michael seems eager to interrogate." Calum told her, rolling his eyes. She shifted around awkwardly, her cheeks turning a light pink color. 

"So do you have a criminal record.." Michael began, and I slapped his shoulder.

"Obviously not, I barely make it out of the house." Bella shrugged.

"Why not?" he asked her, shoving my hand away.

She looked down in her lap. "People just don't usually want to be around me." she mumbled.

Then is where I wondered why. Sure, Bella was sarcastic, and sure she had her flaws. We all do. She said she didn't get good grades, but that's okay. Half the dumbasses in this school don't either.

She was very laid-back too. But in my mind I didn't see that as a bad thing, or a flaw. But some people see that as lazy. That's what I don't get.

"Why? You seem pretty cool." Calum said.

"I still think that myself actually." Bella sighed, leaning back into the couch.

"Well we're all wondering it, did you and Luke actually kiss?" Ashton asked her, and then you could even see her body tense up.

She cleared her throat. "Yeah actually. On Christmas Eve." she said, looking straight ahead at him. I smiled sort of, since she wasn't the least bit afraid to admit it. "Now I realize boys like to yell and congratulate each other for things like that, so I'll step outside." she laughed, and then walked out the back door, leaving the boys with shocked expressions on their faces.

"You actually kissed her?" Calum asked, breaking the silence that filled the room. "Because she's like hot. A hot girl kissed you?"

"Yeah..."  I said, like it was nothing, even though I was bursting with joy at the fact that she was fine with it, because we actually haven't talked any about it since it happened.

"Welll get out there dumbass." Ashton said, leaning across the arm of the chair he was sitting on, and shoving me. I chuckled a bit nervously, then stood up and walked out back.

There she sat, her legs hanging off the edge of the patio, down onto the grass of the hill that the house sat atop. The breeze was a blanket around her small body, and I sat next to her.

"I'm sorry about them being so bkunt, they just--"

"Luke," she sighed, turning to me, having to tilt her head upward a little bit. "Shut up." 

And this time she kissed me.

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