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The first thing I did was make a gameplan. I went to the train station and bought a map- one of our city and one of Australia. Where would he go?

Ashton's house. I circled that.

Michael's house.

I didn't know where Michael lived, but I could just ask Ashton. So there was my first resort. Ashton Irwin.

I hopped the train to the nearest stop to Ashton's, and stood, holding onto a bar from the ceiling. More people filed on, and I folded both maps carefully, placing them into my bag. The floor lurched and I held on tighter. It stopped about two minutes later. Some people got on, some people got off. This happened until we got to my stop. I flew off the train, grabbing a subway map along the way as my feet carried me up the steps. Then I ran to Ashton's house.

My heart pounded as I slammed my fist on the door. Ashton opened it. "Bella what's going o-"

"Luke. He's missing. He told me he was going to leave and he did, so do you know anywhere he would be can you?" I rambled, out of breath from running. He rolled his eyes, having known all of that. Ashton couldnt blame me, really, I was worried sick about him.

He seemed to get what I was saying, and answered. "Any beach. A nice one with a boardwalk. He'd be there. I forget the name of it." he told me.

"Thank you." I beamed, then my phone rang. A song from Momma Mia played. Mom.

"Yes mom?" I asked, in the calmest tone I could manage. Despite what was going on, I could always act a different way. Always.

"Honey where are you?"

I glanced at Ashton for a short moment. "A friend's house, why?" I asked. She seemed on edge. This was not going to be good

A deep sigh came from her throat. "A note from the boy came."

My heart stopped. "Mom, open it!" I yelled into the phone.

"I did." she said in the most serious tone ever.

"Well? Read it!" I yelled again.

"I did. And I swear to the lord above if you go searching for him-"

"Mom what did the note say."

She sighed again, and I could hear paper unfolding.

"Dear Bella,

I'm better where I am now. Don't look for me.



p.s. I really do want to see you more and there's a place inside me that's waiting for you to find me but don't. Don't.

And then capital D-O-N-T in bold." she said.

I almost fell over. "Mom oh my god." I panted. "I need to go, I love you."

She began to say something but hung up. "Ashton I need to go." I said, starting to gather my things.

"What did it say?" he asked.

"He told me not to look for him and that he's in a better place and that he almost wants me to find him but I shouldn't and I need to go." I grabbed around in my bag for a hoodie. The one I packed was Luke's black one. I almost cried. Peppermint and chocolate scents drifted from the hoodie, and I slipped it on. 

Ashton looked over at me, and pulled on a grey zip-up. "I'm coming with you."

'What?" I asked, almost astonished. I really shouldn't have been, being as Ashton is one of his best friends.

He grabbed my shoulders. "I. Am. Coming. With. You. Don't try to stop me, this is my best friend." I nodded.

"Well, let's go then, Irwin."

"Hold on Lea, we need some stuff." he sighed, and jogged away. I sat on the ground and dumped out the contents of my bag. Ravenclaw house beanie, black scarf, touch screen gloves (A.K.A. the best investment I've ever made.), a Special K granola bar, my phone charger, a half-eaten still-wrapped chocolate bar, my earbuds, my charger and all three maps, a maker attatched. In the hidden pocket was all my money, and a $20 Five Below giftcard. First outdoor pocket- a snapped-in-half pencil. Second- nothing. Third- a quarter. I added that to my money pocket, and folded my gloves into the scarf, and stuffed that into the hat. I took one of the bobby pins out of my hair, letting half my bangs fall into my face, and used it to roll up my headphones and keep them in place. Then I used the other one to hold them all back. I rolled up my charger, and placed it in the empty outdoor pocket. The maps were soon folded, the marker holding them all together. I ate the rest of the chocolate bar, and threw out the wrapper.

Ashton bounded down the stairs, a backpack of his own in his hand. "Ready?" he asked. I nodded.

We walked out the door. "Mikey's house, first stop." he told me, and began walking. I followed, shoving my hands in the sweatshirts pockets. 

I remember Michael. He's nice. He also has green hair. We haven't talked in a while, but that's okay.

Turns out Michael didn't live far, and soon Ashton was knocking on the door of his apartment.

He opened the door. "Yes?" Mikey asked. 

"Luke, have you seen him."

"No, Ash." he sighed, running a hand through his hair. I sighed.

We left.



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