Chapter 3

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x Hospital x

Chio JinRi's P.O.V:

"WHAT!!! O-okay i-ll be right th-ere." TaeHyung shouted then his voice got all cracky making me concerned.

"W-what happened TaeHyung? Are you okay?" I asked nervously. TaeHyung was never angry or upset without a reason.

"I-it's M-mom, she in the h-hospital." TaeHyung replied with a shaky voice. He quickly started the car and drove to the hospital.

"What happened to her, why is she there??" I had a feeling that this wasn't very good. TaeHyung's hands were basically shaking.

"Okay. Okay. Calm down it'll be ok. Your hands are shaking let me drive." He nodded and pulled over. We switched places and I headed to Seoul Hospital.

Time skip: at the hospital

TaeHyung and I ran to the reception and asked where his mother's room is. The lady
told us and we ran to her room.

We knocked on the door and entered it slowly. "M-mom. Dad what happens to Mom?!" TaeHyung lightly raised his voice to his father, after seeing her lifeless body in the room, who is crying with his head down in the corner of the room.

"TaeHyung I know you'll be angry with me when I tell you what happened, but please know that it was for you. We did this so you could have a normal future." His father replied still looking down. I couldn't comprehend what was happening. 

TaeHyung parents went on a trip a couple of weeks ago, saying they'll be on vacation for two months. This was a bit surprising considering the fact his parents never went on such a long trip. We just shook it off, thinking it was just what they needed.

"You know how we're supposed to be in Jeju right?  Well, we went to England to get your mother a treatment for her...." Due to the fact he didn't finish, made me more confused.

"TaeHyung your mother had-..has brain cancer. She needed to be treated by a specialist and the best one was in London. Yet when we arrived there the doctor told us it was too late for treatment. The cancer cells have also affected her blood which is very harmful. When that happened, it all just spread really fast and I can't really explain what happened but now s-she...she's d-dead."

What just came out his mouth left me and TaeHyung in utter shock. How could they hide something so big like this? If anything we could help them through the this. I bet TaeHyung is breaking down inside.

He loves his mother very much. Before I met her, the way he used to describe her to me, she was like an angel. When I met her, I knew he was right. She was a loving angel.

"W-what are you saying. How is this possible," he fell on his knees as tears streamed down his face,"WHY DIDN'T YUo tell me!!" I kneeled down and hugged him.

I rubbed his back as he held onto mean sobbed. I couldn't help but cry myself, but seeing TaeHyung like this broke my heart. As well as knowing one of the sweetest people I've ever met has died.

"We only hid this from you because we thought once it was treated, everything would be fine, and you and JinRi could live without any stress. I know you already have stress from work so we decided to keep it a secret. I'm really sorry TaeHyung, ple-ase f-forgive        m-me." He could barely finish his sentence as he broke down crying.

Taehyung was still sobbing in my neck. I've never seen him cry this much. It really made me afraid of the aftermath of this situation. Hopefully, TaeHyung will accept this and know his mother is in a better place now.

"TaeHyung I know you're very upset right now, but would you want Mother to see you like this? Hm? It's ok to cry but stay strong. Arasso?" I tried to comfort him the best I could. I lifted his chin wipes his tears and stood up with him.

His father got up and went straight to hug TaeHyung. " I'm so sorry," father said in between sobs, " please forgive me TaeHyung. I tried my best so get the best treatment but- but I-it w-was to-o la-te!" The tears kept streaming down everyone's face as father asked forgiveness from his son.

"No no, it's not your fault. But you could have told me about this. I could have taken care o-of M-mom. I c-could have been t-there in her last moment, I could have told her how precious she was to me. How good of a m-mother she w-was." He continued to cry in his fathers embrace.

"Don't worry TaeHyung your mother knew how much you loved her. She knew by your actions and how you succeeded in your life. She knew her teaching had an effect on you." He broke the hug and wiped TaeHyung's tears,"JinRi, you also made Mother very happy knowing her son was with such an amazing girl like you. I'm glad it's you who is my daughter in law." Father finished making more tears spill out of my eyes.

This wasn't the best Sunday you could have, but there are more Sundays ahead and we need to make the best out of them.

End of chapter 3: Hospital




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