Quidditch Worldcup Gambling; The quarter-finals

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~Harry against Snape~

Harry's bet: 23 Galleons

Snape's bet: 4 Galleons and 7 Sickels

Harry: ''I bet Bulgaria's gonna win and Norway loses. And Krum will catch the Snitch.''

Snape: ''Hahahaha, in your dreams Potter. Norway will absolutely win!''

Harry: "If you think so..."

~Hermione against Ron~

Hermione's bet: 3 Galleons, 2 Sickels and 4 Knuts

Ron's bet: 1 Sickel and 2 knuts

Hermione: ''I bet Brazil's gonna win, and Wales's gonna lose.''

Ron: ''Hermione you've prooved allready so many times you know nothing about Quidditch. Brazil is maybe good at that Muggle sport called socks or something, but that doesn't mean they're good at Quidditch. Wales became last time higher than Brazil. I'm sure they'll win.''

Hermione: ''Allright. And that sport is called Soccer Ron, not socks.''

Ron: ''I don''t care!!''

~Professor McGonagall against Dumbledore~

Professor McGonagall's bet: 7 Galleons, 3 Sickels and 3 Knuts.

Dumbledore's bet: 12 Galleons and 1 Sickel.

Professor McGonalgall: "Japan's gonna win. Absolutely!"

Dumbledore: "I wouldn't be so sure of that, if I was you."

Professor McGonagall: "Oh. And why not?" *Looks bitchy at Dumbledore*

Dumbledore: "Hahaha. Have you ever seen them playing Quidditch?! Well if have seen it, and if you think it was good, you have never watched Negeria playing."

Professor McGonagall: "Well; I've seen them playing both. I'm sure of it Japan will win."

Dumbledore: "Good luck." *Sarcastic*

Professor McGonagall: "We will see, we will see..."

~Luna against Voldemort~

Luna's bet: 3 Galleons and 6 Sickels and a copy of 'The Prove of the Existance of the Crumple-Horned Snorkack'

Voldemort's bet: If he loses, he won't kill Luna.

Voldemort: "The U.S.A is too good to lose from Liechtenstein. They must win, or I will kill them."

Luna: "Voldy, you don't solve every problem with killing people. I think you have to train to kill not so many people with silly reasons. And you have to get it fast under control, before Liechtenstein wins."

Voldemort: "AVADA-"

Luna: "Nooo Voldie!!"

Voldemort: "Okaaay..."

~Ludo Bagman against Barty Crouch~

Ludo's bet: 2 Sickels and 4 Knuts (he don't wants to have the same problem as the last time, so he bets not with really much mony)

Barty's bet: 5 Galleons and 3 Sickels

Ludo: "Wales is gonna win absolutely!! No doubt about it!!"

Barty: "I'm actually sure of it that Brazil will win!"

Ludo: "What do you know about Quidditch? Last time you thought Bulgaria was going to win and you was wrong!"

Barty: "What?! You also thought Bulgaria was gonna win. You was also wrong!!"

Ludo: "Yeahh..."

~Professor Flitwick against Percy Weasley~

Profesaor Flitwick's bet: 6 Galleons, 3 Sickels and 4 Knuts

Percy's bet: 2 Sickels and 6 Knuts

Professor Flitwick: "I am sure of it that Norway is gonna win! The players are so fast."

Percy: "Have you ever bin to a Quidditch match like this, professor?"

Professor Flitwick: "Yes! It was great!"

Percy: "But... Did you see it...

Really... Well?"

Professor Flitwick: "Oh yes, yes. I was sitting in the topbox. Great view from there!"

Percy: "But... I mean actually... With your length..."

Professor Flitwick: "Oh, yeah. I'm fine with that. I'm just taking an empety box of Butterbeer with me. And of course in the front row."

Percy: "Well that's er- fine... But I think Bulgaria is gonna win Professor. I mean last they were second. That's pretty good!!"

Professor Flitwick: "Well, if you think so. We will see..."


Next time the results will come with new gambles. Maybe I will update this chapter so check if you like these gambles. But I am not sure. Hope you liked it so please comment!

Xx the Pineapple

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