Snape Believes In Nergles

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*Snape pulls Luna in a cupbourd*

Luna: ''What are you doing?''

Snape: ''I want to ask you something.''

Luna: ''And what do you want to ask me..?''

Snape: ''I want to ask you if you want to teach me Defence against the Nergles.''

Luna: "Of course I will! But why was it need to pull me into a cupbourd?"

Snape: "Well... I just... People would think I'm mad if they get to know I believe in Nergles. I'm sorry."

Luna: "Oh, that doesn't matter. I hear it all the time. I'm just happy there is finally someone who believes me." :)

Snape: :)

Luna: "But... first you didn't believe in Nergles, did you?"

Snape: "No, indeed..."

Luna: "What changed your mind?"

Snape: "It was the evening of the first day of Professor the Pink. (Gandalf) And in ones, I was making a lovepotion. I knew vage it was for professor McGonagall. I had really love feelings for her when I thought about her. I still do. But than I thought she would maybe have made a lovepotion. But than I remembered she is horrible at potions. And than I thought she would maybe have a secret passion for potions and than I was going crazy! And then I remebered you and about your Nergles. So I thought I maybe would have Nergles." *Sighs*

Luna: *Not amazed about the fact he had told a LOT, because she thinks that that had something to do with Nergles* "Going crazy is a symptom of having Nergles. I'm really sure you have Nergles zooming around your brains."

Snape: "Yes, I can feel it."

Luna: "Oké. I think the Nergles will calm down if you ask Professor McGonagall out."

Snape: "Okay?"

~In Professor McGonagall's office~

Professor McGonagall: *Hears knock on the dore* "Come in."

Snape: *Stands in the doorway with roses*

Professor McGonagall: *Mouth fells open from emberresment*

Snape: "Dyuwntgoutwtm?"

Professor McGonagall: "Is that the Harry Potter way of asking me something special?"

Snape: "Yes, Three Broomsticks?"

Professor McGonagall: "Sorry Sevvy, but since my last man died, I don't date anymore."

Snape: "Luna, I think the Nergles are quit more relaxed now!"

Luna: "Great. If you feel them again, you can always ask me for help. And every Friday, we'll have DAN (Defence Against the Nergles) lessons."

Snape: "Fine! Thanks!"

Snape and Luna: *leave McGonagall's office*

Professor McGonagall: *Thinks* "What the hell was that?!"

Professor McGonagall: *Keeps thinking about was happened yet and keeps wondering what DAN is, what drives her crazy*

~Next day~

Professor McGonagall: *Pulls Luna into a cupboard*

Luna: "Hello Professor. How are you?"

Professor McGonagall: "Er- yeah, I'm fine... Well, actually. Lovegood, I need your help. I think I have Nergles. Last night I went crazy 'cause I was thinking the whole time abour what had happened and I-I-I just don't know."

Luna: "Well I think you indeed have Nergles, Professor. But I think the reason why you have them, is because you actually, maybe you don't know it by yourself, you feel sorry you didn't said yes to Snape. That's probably the reason why the Nergles are flying around your brains. I think they want you to apologize Snape and you to go out with him."

Professor McGonagall: "Okay."

~In Snape's office~

Snape: *Hears knock on the door* "In."

Professor McGonagall: *Opens the dore and walks in* "Sevvy, I'm sorry of last night, and I would really like to go out with you."

Snape: "Really? Where do you want to go?"

Professor McGonagall: "Er- Hogwarts Kitchens?"

Snape: "Yeah sounds great!"

Professor McGonagall: "Okay, well bye than."

Snape: "Bye."

Luna: "Are the Nergles calmer?"

Professor McGonagall: "Yes, I think so."

Luna: "Well, that's great. Good luck with your date!"


Heey I hope you liked this one. Please commend. I will make a chapter about their date too. So... Thanks for reading.

-Xoxox- the Pineapple

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